Not sure as to why no one on here has started a thread, (maybe I missed it) but as an ex US army veteran, I pray for the families of the victims of the heinous attack brought upon a madman chanting "Allahu Akbar!" Give me a break? Now his family is saying he wanted out of the military after 9/11 because of harrassment, well guess what, he re-enlisted, so I am not buying into that crap. Nor does it give him the right to do what he did. I'm getting off track, anyways, I hope people can take a moment of silence, prayers, or just thoughts to those murdered in cold blood in Texas.
Its tragic and ironic that a military psychiatrist who was supposed to be helping other military personnel cope with the stress of combat would snap and go on a killing rampage.
Well, I'm assuming he got to some point where he felt is was okay to go out and kill people. That's my definition of snap.