We just got a 2011 Prius with pakage 4 (backup camera, JBL sound etc), after our beloved 2006 rear end was totaled and frame bent by a little old lady driving her boat sized Buick. Anyway, when we first got the car and turned off the Prius, we would get this display of miles driven, time driven etc for 30 seconds. In my enthusiasm of button pushing to see what this and that did, I have somehow caused this display to not appear anymore. I have read what I thought were relavent parts of the manual(s), but can't find any reference to this display and how to get it back. What page(s) should I read to turn the end of trip power down status display back again? Thanks!
my wife's hycam flashes the info for less than a second after powering down. i hope to find out at the 5000 mile sercice if this can be prolonged.
when you power off, a screen comes up with info not available while driving. don't ask me why. doesn't the 2010 have it?
Yes that is what I did have when we got the vehicle, but now I have somehow made it disappear. May have to stop by my Toyota service up the street (yes, just two blocks away) and see what button(s) they push to get it back again.
IABoy987 while there please also ask how "Best MPG" is logged. Mine has been the same for a long time and was logged after a 190 mile leg unknown to me. Would like to reset and manually log on demand. Thanks.
See pages 200 and 201 of 2011 Prius manual which shows how to reset best consumption. Hope this helps.
I have a friend who's 13 shows a summary miles driven, and avg when shutting down. My 11 has never shown that so I assumed it was something updated. If the OP finds the solution pls post back so I can add that function. Right now all I get at shutdown is the Odometer & clock.
SOLVED Operator error All Priuses Multi-Information Displays look alike . We had a rental 2013 while insurance was haggling over fault payment, that had Ending Display when hybrid was turned off (read online 2013 owners manual page 199.) However a 2011 does not . It has goofy bar graph displays. Turning off the 2011 hybrid shows just time and milage, like afob3 posted above. I was so use to seeing that ED display after two weeks of rental, I thought it was on the 2011 and I somehow accidently hid it. Oh well, nice feature.
I'm betting its part of the '12 refresh. The Prius startup splash screen is slightly different in my friend's 13 and mine as well.