There I was driving down the street in my wonderful new Prius - when out of the blue a CURB jumped out of no where and popped my tire!! I was NOT talking on my cell phone.... NOT applying makeup... NOT adjusting the radio... I was simplying reaching up on the dash to try and touch the speedometer to see if it's a reflection!!!!! Needless to say.. I have my beautiful orange donut installed which of course triggered my tire pressure warning system! In reading my manual I see all this stuff about tire pressure warning valves and new sensor ID codes and pressure transmitters being installed.... and my head is spinning!!!!!! (which might be from hitting the curb) BUT MY QUESTION IS: Would it be feasible to just go to my local tire store and have the tire replaced? Or am I a slave to local Toyota dealer?? Thanks in advance for all your Priusness wisdom! Newbie Prius Owner GreenTeechur!!
Those curbs. Whatcha gonna do?? You don't say what brand tire you have, so I'll assume you have the standard Goodyear Integrity. I would take it to a reputable Goodyear dealer. They probably know tires better than the car dealer, and a replacement likely will cost you less there.
IF you hit the curb so hard that you popped a tire, you might have bent the rim also. have the rim spun on the tire balancer and look to see if the rim is indeed bent. if you need a rim, you can look for one for sale, whichever way, goodluck in fixing this "boo-boo" teachers are great. bad curb!
Thanks for that! My hubby checked the rim and said it seems good. I pulled over IMMEDIATELY!! (Even though he knows a lot about cars his Fiat X1/9 does not compare to my Prius - so I wanted to ask the experts!)
How many miles on the tires? If they are pretty new and have performed OK during your winter weather, then it probably would be easiest & cheapest to just buy one Goodyear Integrity tire from your local Goodyear tire retailer. If the tires are relatively worn and you are ready to buy a set of four, then there are many posts expressing numerous opinions about suitable tires, depending upon the terrain and weather that you face.
Hi there! Noticed you were a fellow Okie - so I have a question for you. Since I've had this car for 8 days now, I'm still learning the ins and outs of it. This weekend when the wind was blowing CRAZY HARD from the north - I was driving from OKC to TULSA (in a crosswind) and on the south side of the car (the side NOT getting the wind) there was a LOT of wind noise. My passenger thought that the window might be cracked open - but it wasn't. Once we turned into the wind (north) we didn't hear it anymore. Have you experienced this?? THANKS!
Yes, in fact I have. The "down wind" side seems to be the worst for noise. I had my doors adjusted & haven't had it since, but I have not had it in a crosswind over 35 mph. I hope it is resolved but the Prius is quiet but not tops. I may add the deadening material in the front doors as I also feel a little draft at times.