This is mostly a curiosity, but my 2018 Prime Premium, with 1800 miles does a subtle pop or click under the floor board, during low speed operation. I notice it mostly when pulling into the garage. It occurs as I'm moving forward, and fully release my foot from the brake pedal, but not immediately after the release, but like 1/4 second after. I drive barefoot, and can feel it in my heel. It also occurs occasionally after releasing from the accelerator as well. Again, just a curiosity, not a concern. This is my first hybrid, so there is still a lot for me to learn about the general mechanics and functionality of the rig. I guess I'm kind of an anal about knowing everything that happens with vehicles.
never heard anyone mention it before. is it subtle enough for a dealer service department to clearly hear it? i wouldn't ignore it unless other owners say its normal.
It's not the door locks or anything like that. It's a mechanical click/pop, and will happen multiple times as I'm pulling in to the garage. But it's only one pop for every release of the pedal. By no means will I just ignore it. The back of my brain never lets anything go until I've diagnosed and fixed if need be. But this is the first vehicle I've had under warranty, so there will definitely be a list of things to talk about at the first service.
I've never heard of it neither, in both 2017 Premium & Plus model. May be should check with the dealer?
I'm definitely going to check with the dealer. I'll give them a call after Christmas. I know it's a serious issue now because my wife brought it up to me, and I never mentioned it to her... I say serious lightly, but the general frequency seems to have increased.
i have the very issue. Toyota dealer says its the normal operation of the brake pedal clicking. it wasnt doing it when i bought the car.
Poo... I was afraid of an answer like that. I'm still going to bring it up at my 5,000 mile service. I'll report back what they say.
I took our Prime in for the 5000 mile service. Naturally, the brake pedal never clicked. I couldn't even get it to happen myself. They said we could stop in and have a mechanic ride shotgun next time it occurs though. At least they were able to do an alignment on a Saturday. It pulling left was annoying...
once again I brought it into a different dealer and they could not reproduce it. So it still exists in my car when i brake during certain conditions.