Toyota is reported developing a device that allows you to plug household appliances into your Prius plug-in's battery pack. Pretty cool/practical gadget if you live in Japan I guess, because you know, in case natural disasters, tsunamis, nuclear meltdowns, Godzilla take out power to your house. Toyota Prius cooks dinner for you | Ubergizmo
Anyone heard anything else about this idea? I believe it would be a wonderful emergency power source amongst other uses.
How about this bigger system Late 2012 they will be testing this PIP / home power integration system at Toyota city; Power Your Home With Your Car? Toyota Says Yes Here is the Toyota press release; TMC Develops Mutual Power Supply System for Electric Vehicles and Homes | TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION GLOBAL WEBSITE And here is the interesting part "With a fully charged battery and full tank of gasoline, a Prius PHV can supply power for average Japanese household electricity use (approximately 10 kWh) for four days."
Excellent find. Thank you for sharing. I had actually thought they were further along but the date of the article certainly shows they are at the beginning phases. At least they are working on this. I personally would step up to purchase one when they became available. How many others feel the same?
....or the average American household for 6.4 minutes... [quote="With a fully charged battery and full tank of gasoline, a Prius PHV can supply power for average Japanese household electricity use (approximately 10 kWh) for four days."[/quote]
Average US household = 958kwh month = 32kwh/day How much electricity does an American home use? - FAQ - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)
Wow, is that accurate? My electric bill shows 8.5 per day and that's WITH my car charging overnight six nights a week. I suddenly don't feel so bad about my electricity use!