I was driving into Beverly Hills this afternoon following a Gray PIP. I headed into the parking lot on Beverly Drive with the intention of grabbing a charge while I hit Pannini Cafe. When I got to the parking lot there was another Gray PIP blocking one of the spaces. This is not cool and also dangerous in Beverly Hills as they have the correct signage to allow towing for a car using the EV spaces but not connected to the charger. The PIP I had been following grabbed the other space and since the second charger isn't working and is conned off there was nowhere for me to charge. later in the day I saw a third Gray PIP parked opposite Roxbury park. I guess Gray PIPs are popular in this area.
Yep that's true. An army of Prii in Beverly Hills. I can guess they are making a statement and not an economic one.
Oh I am sure they are there. Tesla's require charging much less, so watching for them at chargers will lead to few sightings.
Per your military reference, can one assume you meant "cavalry" rather than "Calvary" in your earlier post? At first I thought you maybe meant a "mountain" of them. I saw a couple of Tesla S models the other day. One was on the 405 fwy, too new to have his green HOV stickers yet, the other in a gated community in Irvine. That is one good lookin' automobile.
Tesla is a good lookin car. I have seen 2 in my area. Sure there are more since I don't spend plenty of time in my car. The think is they are driven by older people. Maybe they have the $
I've seen this myself - they'll park in public spots where charging is free and camp for 20+ hours, even if not actively pulling current. In one case where the charger had an open spot, I unplugged the camper as he was sitting in the spot for over 24hrs plugged in.
In case anyone misses this reference, "Calvary" is the hill outside of Jerusalem where, according to the Bible, Jesus was crucified. "Cavalry" is the horse-mounted military unit.
Funny but I went back there today and there were two Tesla in the EV parking spots. One was parked at the broken charger and the other was charging at the good charger. I had to use the 110V EVSE that came with the car so I only got 8 miles of range instead of the normal 11.2 miles.
So, is the juice from Beverly Hills any better, cleaner, more powerful, etc? Or more expensive due to the higher prices of goods and services of which you avail yourself whilst your trusted steed is replenished free with said energy?
Beverlh hills uses So Beverly Hills uses So Cal Edison which is one of the cleanest utilities in the country. Charging is free at the city lots and there is 2 hrs free parking also. Brings buisness into the city
In spite of the city's name, most residents live in the "flats" of Beverly Hills which is a relatively flat land that includes all of Beverly Hills itself. The houses situated in the hills north of Sunset Boulevard have a much higher value then the average house price for the rest of the city. Some of the most exclusive and most expensive homes in Beverly Hills are all situated high up in the hills. Santa Monica Boulevard divides the "flats" into two areas, locally known as "North or South of the tracks," referring to the train tracks that were once used by the old Pacific Electric streetcar line that traversed Beverly Hills along Santa Monica Blvd. Houses south of Wilshire have more urban square and rectangular lots, in general smaller than those to the north. There are also more apartment buildings south of Wilshire Blvd than anywhere else in Beverly Hills, and the average house value south of Wilshire is the lowest in Beverly Hills. Nearly all businesses and government offices in Beverly Hills are located south of Santa Monica Boulevard, two notable exceptions being the Beverly Hills Hotel and the Beverly Hilton Hotel. Just outside the city limits to the west lies the Los Angeles Country Club. Other locations commonly associated with Beverly Hills include the Cedars-Sinai Medical Center and the Beverly Center, just outside city limits to the east.
I like how someone is attempting to bag on Beverly Hills. I have quite a few clients there. One is the CEO of Abercrombie... Another very nice neighborhood is Bel Air which is near Westwood just north of Sunset. The people who live in these neighborhoods can buy thousands of priuses.... iPad ? HD
I read somewhere that 40% of the nations wealth in a 20 minute drive from Brentwood. Very concentrated. I also read that the top 1% in wealth in the nation own 50% of the stock market and one in 4 Americans is on food stamps because they can't afford food.
Please get a grip, guys. I was just joking about Beverly Hills, hence the . I have clients there myself, and used to work at BH Mercedes dealership. I also know that it is within the service area of SCE. Too bad we don't have "tongue-in-cheek" face to insert.
Lensovet, thanks for pointing out my error re the color of sticker for a Tesla. Don't see many pure EV's, but I should have remembered that they get the white ones.