I don't think I am going to like working with the Insurance Claims Agent from Trexis Insurance. Hell, I don't think I am going to like working with anyone from Trexis. I got in contact with them on Friday to initiate the claim, only to find out the agent assigned to my claim was taking Friday off and wouldn't be back until Monday. Since I was in dire need of a rental, I asked if there was anyone else I could speak to about it. They transferred me to the Team Leader for my Claims Agent and I left a detailed message, but he never responded.This left me without transportation for days! Both of my jobs require a car so I missed 5 full days of work. My Claims Agent decided to go to the office on Sunday and was able to arrange a rental for me, which I picked up yesterday(Monday). She also had the temerity to offer me $200 for lost income and suffering, to which I of course declined. I expect her to contact me tomorrow or Thursday with a decision on my car one way or another, total out or repair. I really wish I was dealing with Esurance again, they were fast and made a very reasonable offer for every aspect of my claim at the beginning of the year. More to come.
Well you control who your insurance company is. If you don’t like them you should switch to someone else
Actually, this was referring to the claims agent from the company of the woman who hit me, not my own agents who were never involved.
But that's one of the reasons you buy insurance. Doesn't matter what crappy company the other party uses, your company and your agent will take care of you. You've got to pay your deductible but that's the price of getting what you want. And you can recover that in some situations from the other party and sometimes your insurance company themselves can recover it.
My company told me straight out, since the fault was 100% the other party I had a choice to make. If I officially report to my insurance and have them do what they do my rates will go up. If I deal with the other company I will keep my rates the same as they have been for years. The difference being that if they deal with the other company, my net award will not offset the increased cost of my long term payments for my own insurance. In this particular case I think it is working out FAR better for me, reference my new thread just posted about Gloria will be Glorious again!
After this is over, I'd switch your insurance company immediately. One of the main benefits of being insured is that you can actually use it. I've had my Leaf vandalized 4 times now while parked and after the deductible payment, it is just taken care of.
So they charge you X to basically do nothing for you, and if you want them to do their actual jobs they spike the future rate on you? I guess that could be okay as long as X is a really, really low price since they're making you do all the work and suffer the consequences of things not handled well.
This has been resolved eminently to my satisfaction. In all honesty, the insurance company got taken by their own mistakes and let me find out about them. My insurance company would not have done what I did by just talking to people. After I was informed by Trexis, the company of the person who hit my car, that they were going to total out my car, I was pissed, especially since they said if they keep it they will only give me $5,100. If I kept it they would pay me $4,200. Well, I talked to my body guy where I had it towed, he was surprised to say the least. Trexis told him to fix it. We compared notes and he told me he could completely fix everything for $3,400. You already know where this is going, don't you? Yes. I told him to go ahead and fix it and I would hand him the $3,400 in cash money. This lit a fire under his nice person and he is getting my car done by this Wednesday. Mind you, this all happened on the 28th of September that I got the totaling email and found out about Trexis telling him to fix it. I called the agent in charge of my case and told her I would accept their offer of total and keep the car. We arranged for direct deposit and I had the funds the following Monday night, and I stopped by my shop last Tuesday and paid my guy the agreed upon amount, $3,400. This left me with a bit over $800 to pay for the rental I was using, and enough left over to pay off a few bills and enjoyed a few fantastic dinners. The only thing I have left to do is contesting the salvage title on Gloria with the Emails and affidavits from my body guy. That way I can legally keep my clean title. My insurance company would not have done any of the footwork I did and never would have achieved such a positive end for me. Had I been even slightly at fault, things would have been different, my insurance company would have been involved from day 1. I have done business with them for 9 years now and have developed an amazing working relationship. He has saved me thousands over the years.
You have a great working relationship but if you made a claim your insurance would go up? Insurance agents are salesman bro, go out and see if you can do better. From what you said your agent was not very helpful.
I had a wreck back in 2010 that my insurance company handled. I was at fault in the wreck, didn't see an oncoming car. My premiums went up for about 2 years and then they went back down to the baseline. Haven't had any issues since. If your insurance isn't going to handle your end of the deal why are you paying them? They can squeeze some money out of the other company to pay their bills too. Same thing as hiring a lawyer.
Exactly. I had a 4 runner totaled by a felon running from the police. Craziest police chase style. Guy had no insurance but I had uninsured driver thru my insurance company. Not only did they pay for my 4 runner they paid out pain and suffering. My payments did not go up 1 cent.