There are so very many things that can be monitored with "Torque" I'm curious what everyone finds most useful. I don't bother turning on my tablet for most short trips but use it on longer drives. On these longer drives I'll try to adjust what I can to improve fuel economy and I'm still searching for the best indicator(s) I use ICE rpm, ICE power and HV battery current to find fuel efficient operation. But most of my mild hypermiling is with the HSI. The other displays are used much less often, for example I check coolant temp after climbs to see if I may need to reduce the grill block. FWIW My display includes" HV battery voltage, HV battery current, HV SOC, ICE rpm, MG1 rpm, MG2rpm, ICE power,GPS height, Aux bty voltage,Coolant temp, HVbat temp #2,BCUtemp
I'm a future user of Torque. I'm still working on buying an ELM327. It's odd that nobody around here seems to carry the ScanGauge.
Gerg, I've tried a bunch of OBDII adapters. My experience is not good on the Chinese clones, I tried 4 of them (all returned to Amazon) before I splurged on an OBDLink LX which has worked flawlessly.