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Pictures of '06 Diagnostics Screens

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Main Forum' started by RonM, Dec 6, 2005.

  1. RonM

    RonM New Member

    Sep 6, 2005
    In an earlier thread (http://priuschat.com/index.php?showtopic=13280&hl=) I offered to post pictures of the '06 Prius diagnistics screens and menus. There seems to be demand for it, so here it goes...

    I'll try to group similar pictures together, but in general, the pictures shown will be in the order of transversal through the menu tree. The buttons and sub-menus are labeled fairly well, for the most part, so most of this should be fairly self-explanatory. In a few cases, I did not venture down some of the menu/screen options, as I worried about the potential impact. I've only had the car a couple of days, I want to keep it operational. Earlier stories about Diagnostics menu miscues have me a bit uneasy about some of these.

    First, as noted in the earlier thread, the '06 Prius (in all models with the higher-res screen -- all but the #1 option package) has a Toyota logo and name "splash" page, and not a Prius logo when the car is first turned on. See attached.

    As I am not familiar with the '04/'05 screens, it would be interesting to me to find out what is the same and what is different (new or missing). Any details on how to interpret some of the data given would also be useful. More pictures, in groups, will be added to this thread.
  2. RonM

    RonM New Member

    Sep 6, 2005
    Getting to the diagnostics menu is apparently the same in the '06 -- Display, then Upper left, lower left, upper left, lower left. I will not give more explicit instructions than this, as it is documented so well elsewhere. If you have questions on the exact sequence, search the Forum. There is now a Knowledge Base articles on hacks and Easter Eggs that is very informative. Be careful as you experiment, however.

    Upon entering this sequence, the System Check Mode screen appears (see first picture). There are four option buttons at the bottom, only one of which (LAN Monitor) has an additional screen. Oddly, I found codes for the EMV (what's that -- I need to check the acronym posting), Navi, and DSP-AMP. Not sure where these came from, or how frequently the codes might be generated. The car has ~100 miles on it, and I've only had it 2 days. Not good to be getting error codes already, in my mind.

    To leave this screen, the only option "forward" is the Menu button on the top right (or powering off the car).
  3. RonM

    RonM New Member

    Sep 6, 2005
    Selecting "Menu" from the System Check Mode screen brings up the Diagnosis Menu. Oddly, the first menu item (Service Check) brings you back the the System Check Mode screen. This must be used most often for them to make it the point of entry from the Easter Egg. Kinda odd it doesn't just put you in the Diagnosis Menu directly.

    Skipping down the menu, we go to Display Check, and its submenus/screens, as attached. I was not able to get anything to display on the panel switch screen, even though I tweaked numerous knobs and switches on the instrument panel -- not sure what this one does, exactly. Similarly, the Vehicle Signal Check Mode screen looks a little boring since I was not in IG-ON, and therefore all was quiescent. The Mic&Voice Recognition Test Check was live -- you'd speak and the instantaneous volume of your voice would register in the squares you see in the screen. Due to time, I didn't play with the Record/Play functionality, which you'll see elsewhere as well. Getting back to the Diagnosis Menu requires hitting the option in the top right a few times, depending on where you are in the tree.
  4. RonM

    RonM New Member

    Sep 6, 2005
    The Navigation System Check is next in line. All screens in this tree are shown in the attached. To maintain some privacy, I've obscured the exact GPS coordinates, lest someone use them to smart bomb my garage!

    I did not try the Memory Copy/Paste, lest that mess things up (and I had no "back up tool" connected to the car). Also, the Parts Information screen is of note. When I check the DVD version number via the normal approach in the non-diagnostic Nav menus, I am told its version 05-01, which I believe from other posts is the latest and greatest shipping with the last '05's. This Parts Information screen seems to indicate the DVD version is later in my car (unless I am misinterpreting it). It may simply have to do with the differences in the NAV system this year. It displays lane configurations for you at major intersections, so you can be positioned in the proper lane as you move into and through it (I'll post pictures of this after some driving tomorrow), and perhaps that requires data that is not in the '05 DVD.

    In any case, you get back to the Diagnosis Menu again from the button in the top right corner.

    EDIT: Camera Check is grayed out in that screen. No diag for that yet, but they made provision for it in the GUI?
  5. RonM

    RonM New Member

    Sep 6, 2005
    The Bluetooth Check menu is next. Some interesting options to explore here. I think this screen or something like it was in earlier models, per discussion I've seen. However, just to add some foreshadowing, there is a later screen with even more juicy and fine-grained ways to tune Bluetooth.

    Having finished the Bluetooth menu and sub-menus, I thought I was done, but with a little exploring, I learned I was wrong...
  6. RonM

    RonM New Member

    Sep 6, 2005
    So, after going through all these menus, and sub-menus, I finally climbed back up the tree to the main Diagnosis Menu. At this point, I figured I was done, but I casually tried an upperLeft-lowerLeft-upperLeft-lowerLeft sequence.

    Alas, that did not work. I started to play around almost randomly, touching the four corners, none of which had a GUI button in it. All of a sudden, the screen changed, and I wasn't sure how I got there. I powered off, and re-tried what I thought worked, and then simplified it to the basic requirement.

    Hit Upper Left and then the Lower Right corners on this screen, and you go to a larger, deeper diagnostics menu...
  7. RonM

    RonM New Member

    Sep 6, 2005
    And, here it is. Some of the options on this menu scared me a bit, so I did not select them. For those I did try, the screens obtained are included below.

    A couple of things I found interesting in this Product Diagnosis Menu:

    1) What is the MM Diagnosis Recorder? Anyone know? In the Display MM Diagnostics Recorder screen, it indicates that IEEE 1394 can be used as the transfer method (although its grayed out -- maybe cannot be changed?). Does this mean the Prius has FireWire built into it somewhere. There are enough xCU's in the technical documentation that one of them might have a FireWire port somewhere.

    2) The Touch SW Adjust screen ended up being something that looked like it would tweak my touchscreen calibration (the picture with the crosshairs and little else). Scared that would be a BAD thing, I powered down as soon as I got this screen, not wanting to touch anywhere to go back, lest I mess it up.

    3) The Vehicle Signal Test looks similar to, but not identical, to a sub-menu we saw earlier under the Nav Diagnostics menu.

    4) The TEL Voice screen looks VERY interesting. It looks like you can select individual algorithm parameters, like the Bluetooth Receive Gamma used to compress the voice, and set them as desired. This could make things very bad, but if you know what you are doing (know the algorithm!), it might be a good way to optimize things.

    OK, I could not find any more hidden screens or menus.

    So, for those of us that don't have an earlier model, how does this compare with the '04/'05? I have seen anecdotes about their diagnostics menu, but have never seen details on how any of these screens can really be used effectively. If '04/'05 owners understand these better than me, can you comment on them? There is a gob of things to cover, so I posted these in logical groups. I'd love to understand how to tweak Bluetooth, for example, if someone has read how in the tech manuals and/or knows the BT parameters (many more in the list that I do not show).

  8. DocVijay

    DocVijay Active Member

    Sep 15, 2005
    Tampa, FL
    Wow, exceptionally thorough photos. Thank you very much!
  9. Wayne

    Wayne Active Member

    Aug 11, 2005
    Fort Wayne, IN
    Thanks, Ron for all the pictures! The silence hasn't been because we didn't appreciate what you did, it was because it took time to digest it all. :D

    Okay -- as an owner of a reasonably recent August '05, I think I can start the discussion about changes between '05 and '06 for whomever may be interested.

    About the only place we '05 owners came out on top (other than possibly the much coveted NAV Override!) was the splash screen. Ours is WAY cooler, can't believe they changed it! :p

    [Broken External Image]:http://img210.imageshack.us/img210/2502/01splashscreen8zt.th.jpg

    I'll break the comparisons down in the same order as you.
  10. Wayne

    Wayne Active Member

    Aug 11, 2005
    Fort Wayne, IN
    In post #2 you show the System Check Mode screen, which we get to on the '05 by holding the "Info" button down, and flipping the lights on and off 3 times (you used a different description for how you got to that menu). In any case, our System Check menu is the same as yours:

    [Broken External Image]:http://img210.imageshack.us/img210/8476/02systemcheckmode9vq.th.jpg

    On the '05, when you press LAN Monitor, you get a summary screen. I suspect you did on the '06 too, and just didn't photograph it. In any case, this is what it looks like to us:

    [Broken External Image]:http://img210.imageshack.us/img210/8818/03lanmonitor050sg.th.jpg

    Evidently, the orange "CHEK" lights means an error was captured and you can go to the detail screen, and "NoErr" means no error was captured, and you can't go to an additional detail screen. You said "The car has ~100 miles on it, and I've only had it 2 days. Not good to be getting error codes already, in my mind." Well, as you can see, mine has errors too. Betting these are minor comm errors that were compensated for by a re-transmit. Not unusual on a LAN, so I wouldn't worry about it.

    I will compare only 1 detail screen here, the EMV screen. They are comparable:

    [Broken External Image]:http://img210.imageshack.us/img210/1930/04lanmonitoremv2yn.th.jpg
  11. Wayne

    Wayne Active Member

    Aug 11, 2005
    Fort Wayne, IN
    On post #3 you show us the Diagnosis Menu. We also get to that by backing up to "Menu" on the System Check Mode screen (above).

    [Broken External Image]:http://img210.imageshack.us/img210/4076/05diagnosismenu9tv.th.jpg

    We already did "Service Check", above. When you call up the Display submenu, I see you have an additional "Mic&Voice Recognition" test option:

    [Broken External Image]:http://img210.imageshack.us/img210/8734/06displaycheck7jb.th.jpg

    On that submenu, the "Color Bar Check", "Touch Switch Check", and "Panel Switch Check" screens are all identical. Your '06 "Vehicle Signal Check" screen has one additional option, "REV" (off). As mentioned, we don't have a "Mic&Voice Recognition" button here, although we do test the Mic in another location.
  12. Wayne

    Wayne Active Member

    Aug 11, 2005
    Fort Wayne, IN
    On post #4 you show us the next item down on the Diagnosis Menu is Navigation Check. You have an additional "DVD Player Information" button on that screen, although there was no detail when you went to that submenu:

    [Broken External Image]:http://img210.imageshack.us/img210/4687/12navcheck8mb.th.jpg

    The "GPS Information" screens are identical, except you seem to have a small resolution problem on Lat/Long. :lol: :lol: The "Vehicle Sensors", "Color Bar Check", and "Memory Copy/Paste" screens are identical. The NAV "Parts Information" screens are quite different, however:

    [Broken External Image]:http://img210.imageshack.us/img210/4628/17navpartsinfo7mb.th.jpg
  13. Wayne

    Wayne Active Member

    Aug 11, 2005
    Fort Wayne, IN
    On post #5 your Bluetooth options are expanded over what we get with an '05. You get new Serial Log and Software Version screens, but our Voice Quality Check screens are similar.

    I tried your keystroke combo in post #6 and it was a no-go, so most everything in post #7 appears to be new to the '06.
  14. Wayne

    Wayne Active Member

    Aug 11, 2005
    Fort Wayne, IN
    Okay, my turn! THIS is the menu you didn't show, the menu everyone wants to find on an '06. This is the menu with the much coveted 'NAV Override'! First person to figure out how to do this on an '06 will no doubt get kudos from everyone here at Priuschat!!! :)

    The '05 keystroke combo is Menu, Volume, upper left, lower left, upper left, lower left. These are the screens you see:

    [Broken External Image]:http://img210.imageshack.us/img210/7599/36servicemenu055ly.th.jpg
    [Broken External Image]:http://img210.imageshack.us/img210/5081/37version059ws.th.jpg
    [Broken External Image]:http://img210.imageshack.us/img210/1091/38gpsinfo050qu.th.jpg
    [Broken External Image]:http://img210.imageshack.us/img210/3610/39errorlog054zq.th.jpg
    [Broken External Image]:http://img210.imageshack.us/img210/6074/40telvoice053iy.th.jpg
    [Broken External Image]:http://img210.imageshack.us/img210/2873/41locationinfo059sj.th.jpg
    [Broken External Image]:http://img210.imageshack.us/img210/1596/42discinfo058pl.th.jpg

    Damn, looking at the third pic, my car seems to have trouble displaying Lat/Long too! :lol:
  15. abas

    abas New Member

    Oct 16, 2005
    Conroe, Texas
    Thanks for all the pictures. After I get my 06 and operator manual I might understand more about it.
  16. Wayne

    Wayne Active Member

    Aug 11, 2005
    Fort Wayne, IN
    Don't worry, a normal driver doesn't need to know about these screens for the most part -- they are service and diagnostic screens meant for service professionals. Word leaked out on how to access them, and the more technical among us have played with them ever since. ;)
  17. RonM

    RonM New Member

    Sep 6, 2005
    Yes, I didn't take a picture of everything -- just the major screens.

    I was away all weekend. Just getting back to PC now...
  18. RonM

    RonM New Member

    Sep 6, 2005

    Thanks for your comparisons. It looks like things are basically the same, except for the override, a couple of Bluetooth screens, and the splash screen.

    I have tried the '05 method of getting to the Override button, but those instructions appear to do nothing...
  19. hdrygas

    hdrygas New Member

    May 22, 2004
    Olympia Wa
    2004 Prius
    Those of us that can do the math have all ready pin pointed you. Locked and Loaded. Incomming!!! :eek:
  20. Tideland Prius

    Tideland Prius Moderator of the North
    Staff Member

    Oct 2, 2004
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Someone mentioned a while ago that there was an option in the diagnostics menu that could 'change' the start up screen. There was the option of Toyota, Lexus, and Off. It didn't make any difference on the 05 models but I was wondering if the 06 models have that feature and maybe there's an extra "Prius" option.