I need to get my phone now and I have a choice of three phones for my Prius that work with Cingular: Motorola V600, Sony Ericksson T616, or Sony Ericsson T637 [I think Nokia 3600 too, but I'm not sure]. Have you folks had any good/bad experiences with any of these? I'm only going to buy one, and I don't want to end up with a phone in my drawer instead of my Prius. Thanks.
Actually, Cingular doesn't support the V600 any more b/c of dropped call issues. They have a new phone out that looks fantastic...the MPx220 which you can read about in the following thread.... http://www.priuschat.com/forums/new-motoro...html?highlight= looks like a great phone.
What about the Sony Ericsson T616 compared to the Sony Ericsson T637? Anything better about one of them over the other with the Prius?
I believe the T637 is an upgrade to the T616...but it can't upload the entire phone book at once like the T616...double check that detail. Let me just say that I do not at all like the interface for the T616 I've had for a year. I find it clumbsy, I often hit wrong buttons, it's even difficult to turn off and on. I'm glad to be getting rid of it....
actually i am hoping to look at another new one from motorola, the MPX... not quite out yet, but then neither is the treo650. i need a keyboard.
I have the Motorola V600 and it works just like the prius does; fabulous! In and Outside the Prius. I bought mine less than a month ago at Cingular. Some Cingular stores still have them. I had the Sony T616 and it worked so horrible with the Prius, plus when the phone would ring, the prius would not - the stereo just muted and the phone itself did the ringing. I think the Motorolas are the most compatible with the Prius. My Moto rings thorough the speakers of the Prius when a call is incomming. Cingular said that the V600 is being replaced by the V620 or something like that, this month! So maybe wait for that one if it isn't out already. It's worth having the Moto phones over sony in my Opinion. I hated my Sony phones and I had 3 of them. The buttons were tiny and the phone was just plain lousy. Funny story: Well, kind of. I had wireless phone insurance with my Cingular plan and here's what happened. My Sony T616 was shorting out, this was the 2nd T616 I had.... I couldn't keep a call or a good signal so I went to the local Cingular store which had the ability to repair phones as well as sell them (an actual cingular corp. store) and they told me they wouldn't even look at it if it wasn't broken - I explained that it was broken but they woudln't listen. So I took the phone outside, put it under the wheel of the car and backed over it and then drove over it until I was sure that It was BROKEN and low and behold, they took it back and gave me a new one because it was now broken. How stupid. They could have at least looked at the phone prior to my destruction of it. What do-do's! The Moto's are the way to go in my opinion.
hehe.. I wish my siemens would ring via the car speaker.. I didnt know that was a limitation of the phone until your post. I thought it was a limitation of the prius. silly me.
I've had both. The 616 aka 610 always gave me a horrible reception even in areas where I had "all my bars" If I literally shouted people could tell it was me, but still not understand me... Just got the 637 a week ago. VERY satisfied. I can have it in the cupholder and I talk just a touch louder than I typically would and it's fine. I hear the "it sounds like you're in a cave" but when you think about it, it IS like a speakerphone, and almost all speakerphones are like talking from a cave. And speaking of speakerphones on cell phones. If you happen to have one on yours, I'd stick with that over the bluetooth. I know the Prius can interface and that's new and fun and exciting, but a little of your (hopefully) quality cell phone service, regardless of carrier, is lost in the bluetooth conversations. My endorsement however, is with the 637 Good luck and happy shopping!
I keep mine in my pocket. It's great, I just never take it out, just like the fob. The microphones around the interior light work well for me.