I have managed to figure out most of the features in regard to the phone but I am confused about the one touch. Is there any method to give the one touch buttons a label. I have programmed most of the one touch settings but my imperfect memory does not allow me to remember which is which. Is there something I am missing or is this another one of those... "Keep you Safe from yourself options."? Any hints would be appreciated! Peace, Fr. Bill
Fr. Bill, I'm a little confused...you say you've successfully programmed the 1-touch, but can't tell which is which? Is that correct? When I programmed mine I did it by assigning each button from my uploaded phone list from the cell phone. Each of those numbers is associated with a name and that name is what appears on my 1-Touch button. What proceedure did you use and what do you see on your 1-Touch screen?
I programmed them by pulling them from my called number list. I also directly put them in using the 1 touch dial screen. So if I enter them from the phone book then there is a name associated? Thanks for the quick reply. Peace, Fr. Bill P.S. I think you and I may be the only people in Southern IL/MO who have gotten the Prius Bug... (Refering to our position as moderators.)
Just confirming that you've got it right here - you get the name label if you enter the one touch #s from the phone book. Especially important because the phone numbers disappear when the car is in motion!
Thanks for the hints. I went out to the car and did some tinkering. I managed to get a few of the 1 touch dials reset to accept input from the phonebook. But I just realized that the prius only holds the first number from the phone. With some people I like to have a cell and office number. Oh Well I will find a way to get those extra numbers on the system. Peace, Fr. Bill
Fr. Bill, Whacky question, but, couldn't you create a separate entry for each number (in your phone book) and then transfer? To wit: Fr. Bill - office Fr. Bill - cell
Well, I have almost 200 People on the phone and most of them have 2 or more #s... That I believe would go over the limit of the Prius. And I like having all my info in a single location. But for a few contacts that I call all the time I will probably do it with 2 sep. entries. Peace, Fr. Bill
Well, this may be (is) over the top, but I actually exported my phone book to excel, sorted on phone numbers, and created duplicate entries for Home, Work, and Cell for all contacts with duplicate numbers. With appropriate prefixes for Work (Wk) and Cell (Mb) so I can tell which is which. I saved off my real phone book in Outlook to another folder, and then reimported my fragmented single phone number per entry version into Outlook's main contact folder. Then I sync'd with the phone and uploaded the phone numbers over to the car. Major pain but now that I'm done I can do one off corrections, and I have my one touch numbers set up correctly.
500 numbers per phone Actually, your 200 contacts probably wouldn't overfill the prius phone book. You can store 500 numbers for each of two phones you pair with the Prius!
Ok, all of this is geat. But I have an 'outgoing call' in one of my 1-touch spots that I cannoy modify or delete. Even tried deleting them all! It 'grey's out', meaning no can get to it. Any ideas? 2004 pkg 9.