i'm just curious what personality types we have around here. we obviously have many different ways of thinking present considering the debates and various viewpoints that go on in Fred's. (and sometimes spill out into the other forums...) there are 4 aspects that comprise the personality type: Introverted or Extroverted Sensing or iNtuitive Feeling or Thinking Judging or Perceiving and each combination means something a little different. if you've got the time for the test, post your result! [The Test]
Funny...haven't taken a Myers-Briggs in 15 years, yet I always remember that I was an ENTJ. I just couldn't remember what the heck it meant...so now I take it, and I'm an ENFJ...Wth? I guess I've started feeling more in my old age.
I took mine back on '02 and I was 28ish at the time so I htink its still fairly accurate although my outlook on a lot of life has changed the basic "methods" I use have not. ENTP
Personality type results EI: 9 out of 17 Extrovert |-------------------------------------------------| Introvert | 52% SN: 14 out of 17 Sensation |-------------------------------------------------| iNtuition | 82% TF: 8 out of 17 Thinking |-------------------------------------------------| Feeling | 47% JP: 15 out of 17 Judging |-------------------------------------------------| Perceiving | 88% Your Personality type is INTP <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(galaxee @ Aug 16 2006, 08:20 PM) [snapback]304377[/snapback]</div> er, Wth are you?
I come out ISFP Artist which makes sense since I am a musician, drama teacher and performer. (Also, I own a Prius!)
It said I am ENFJ. However, for the NFJ portion I was very near 50% on all three, so an answer or two one way or the other would have thrown it to the other side, and while it said I am an extrovert, I don't think anybody that knows me would agree. Many of the questions were unanswerable, but you have to give an answer. For example, Do you know many people, or a few people deeply. I know few people, and none of them deeply: Which answer am I supposed to give? On other questions as well, both choices were completely wrong for me. The test, therefore, in my humble opinion, is bullshit. Or a silly, meaningless game.
I'm an INTJ (Scientist), which is good because I am a scientist. I was close to an ISTJ, so maybe I'm a scientist who can sense things. EDIT: I just found my old results (from a few years ago). I was an INTP then. Chemist is one of the careers listed for that one, and I am a chemist. Maybe if I take the test again this afternoon, I'll be something else.
I can't find my M-B results but I know I'm an ENTP. I really wish I could find the results. There were a couple that I pegged pretty much to one end, like the Extrovert, and I think the "Thinking vs. Feeling" was only slightly to Thinking.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Mystery Squid @ Aug 17 2006, 12:05 AM) [snapback]304479[/snapback]</div> same as you- though i was very in the middle between perceiving and judging. i forgot to add that into the original post- oops.
OOPs..I clicked the wrong button. I checked ISTJ when I am really ESTJ. My hubby was an employment counselor before we got married and he administered the Myers_Briggs test to both of us. He is the ISTJ and I am the ESTJ It is interesting that the poll says ESTJ-Administrator. That is exactly what I am ...an IT Administrator. :lol:
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(galaxee @ Aug 17 2006, 10:09 AM) [snapback]304626[/snapback]</div> We Rule!!!
Oh crap. Life will never be the same. Before I reveal the source of my angst, I must say this personality type indicator measures our preferences, and that we are perfectly capable of resisting or overcoming these tendencies, with awareness and effort. I took this 'test' many years ago, and scored very strongly, so there are no borderline issues for me. I have found it very helpful in understanding myself, others, and relationships in general. And most importantly, we're all unique, despite our similarities. The reason for my weasley qualifications? I'm the same personality type as Squid!! Ahhh! I can't stand it, Charlie Brown!
I agree that this test is a bit odd. I came out as INTP even though no one that knows me would EVER describe me as introverted (52%). I do enjoy my private time but have a terrible inability to keep my mouth shut for the most part!! I will talk to people anywhere about anything. I hope I don't piss off anyone on the plane come October. I guess as a nurse the scientific label is there but I enjoy the creative side of my life so I was hoping for Artisan. Oh well, back to just being ME!!
Funny, I'll bet there's a correlation of whomever is not INTP, and my status on their ignore list.... <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(hyo silver @ Aug 17 2006, 05:39 PM) [snapback]304895[/snapback]</div> :lol:
Have taken Myers a few times I'm INTP / INFP borderline. I voted with INTP in the poll. (edit: hey! squid, salsa, hyo, and Galaxee in the same group. I'm in great company!) <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(daniel @ Aug 17 2006, 12:46 AM) [snapback]304510[/snapback]</div> Yep. That's exactly what I expect an ENFJ to say about the test. :lol:
EI: 14 out of 17 Extrovert |-------------------------------------------------| Introvert | 82% SN: 10 out of 17 Sensation |-------------------------------------------------| iNtuition | 58% TF: 5 out of 17 Thinking |-------------------------------------------------| Feeling | 29% JP: 4 out of 17 Judging |-------------------------------------------------| Perceiving | 23% Your Personality type is INTJ