SO.... Polls are for dancers, so I will just throw out the question..... 2024's signature event? WHAT, if anything will people remember 100 years from now??? Lots to pick from!! 'Chopsticks catch'.......Syria revolution....'Old Yeller' treatment for P46.....AI.......Palestine.......the Olympics.......'Vibes'...... What say you??? I'm leaning towards P22/24 re-enactment, but am willing to also go for the chopsticks catch as something that people might still remember 100 years from now.
I thought about offering up this medical breakthrough that pops up every time I visit Priuschat...the new miracle "bra" for seniors. But, think I will go with climate change. Twenty years ago had my doubts about it. No longer kris
Just came to me while scrubbing the coffee pot....and while kids, dogs ... And...yes even husband crying for attention. Some of you may find the link below with climate and UFOS. Agree or not, video is worth the time...if you can find it. LOL kris
Asking what will be remembered in 100 years led me to look at this a different way. I looked at big events of 1924. Here are some. Tech First round-the world flight took 175 days, which must have include a lot of ground stops. This was only 21 years after first controlled flight of 6 meters. Edwin Hubble discovered that the Andromeda Nebula was actually a galaxy, expanding our understanding of the universe. The discovery of insulin was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, transforming diabetes treatment. The IBM Corporation was founded, initially focusing on tabulating machines and later becoming a tech giant. Political The Teapot Dome scandal came to light in the United States, exposing corruption in the Harding administration. The Indian Citizenship Act granted U.S. citizenship to all Native Americans born in the country. The Immigration Act of 1924 was enacted in the United States, significantly limiting immigration from Asia and Eastern Europe. J. Edgar Hoover began his long tenure as the head of the FBI. All of witch we remember, but not by thinking of 1924. My conclusion is people of 2124 will remember some major events of 2024, but not really when they happened.
I will personally remember 2024 (for my remaining time) for visiting Iceland. OMG it is a place so unlike earth/other. 2024 is not cleanly separable from 2023. The artificial Intelligence whoosh is a 2-year thing so far. Israel expansion is also of that time scale so far. Improved security for some, ‘go pound sand somewhere else’ for others. These are likely to be decadal matters with 2024 not standing out strongly. Euro NATO is also in midst of long term readjustment, but 2024 might not stand out strongly. Likewise for climate change that has always been decadal, at least, for me. 2024 was simply one of the years when global leadership didn’t, and global economics moved slowly towards better paths. 2024 might be seen as a year between global virus troubles. That remains to be written. US Prez Election 2024 is a leading event, at least to extreme views anticipating a future greater than ever, or (at the other pole) an end to American Democracy. I expect neither to happen, but reports from the poles get clicks.
I have not touched Iceland - although I did remotely operate a satellite uplink station in K-flick - back about 100 years ago - or so it seems. I've been close enough in a submarine to nearly say truthfully that I have 'been there.' ....but then I would have to admit that Iceland looks - to me, like the inside of a submarine. Just like everywhere ELSE I traveled under water. Maybe when we buy Greenland I might revisit that neighborhood.......but my horizons are much closer now, and the shadows are a bit longer.
Moderation and common sense are rarely shown in media or news clips - but exist in abundance in Middle America. And I believe you hit the nail on the head - extremist are always living on the edge predicting disaster- most people exist comfortably in the middle with the rest of their family. Hasn't it been that way for most of human history?
Long term? Perhaps. Long OVERDUE?? Definitely. The original purpose of NATO has ALWAYS been to keep the Rooskies AND THE GERMANS out of the Fulda gap, so I do not blame das Germans for showing up at the party with a red Solo cup that they really didn't buy - BUT it's 2025 now! The Purpose of the EU is/was to depose the $USD as the world currency. and? I'm actually here for that! HOWEVER (comma!!!!) It's high time that they start paying 'their fare share' for security - AND being held accountable for readiness. (the state of being fully prepared for something bad happening....) Poles should be capitalized. Most especially since they do pay more than their fair share.