I am having trouble with my insurance company about the passive alarm discont. They say that the prius dosen't qualify for the passive alarm discount. I think the fact that it automaticly arms when the door is locked it should qualify. Also, I understand the it can be programmed to auto activate the alarm 30 seconds after you leave the vehical( although it dosen't auto lock the doors). I would like to hear from other prius owners about this passive alarm discount. Thanks for your reply Don 05 silver prius pkg#5
My Insurance company, StateFarm, just has you sign a paper as to what feature the car has and they take your word for it. But why are you really concerned if you get this or not, it really is small change. I have very high rates here in NJ, but even the discount which is 15% off my comprehensive is small as that is only a small part of your premium. It does not reduce the liability portion nor the collision - just the comprehensive. So look at your policy and see how little 15% off of that portion really is - probably not worth loosing sleep over.
I find it strange that the car which does everything else automatically cannot lock itself automatically. The car could be programmed not to lock if the key is within the car, but to lock itself after, say 2 minutes when the key is not in the car and the power is off. I don't know why it this was not done.
My insurer also considers the Prius alarm to be a valid alarm system and offers the "discount" to me. It only affects the comprehensive portion of the policy, however I'll take any measly discount they offer. I think the problem you are having with your insurer is a customer service issue. I would threaten to find a different insurer if they do not give you the discount for the bonafied alarm system that is already in the Prius.