Hey, Just want to put up some clarifying info if you buy this adapter to let your steering wheel controls work after installing aftermarket radio. I did the stealth install (thanks!) with a pioneer head unit. It was much easier than i expected. Installed the SWI and programmed it, then put it all back together. worked great, but the climate control and energy screen stopped working. There is much reference to the 66 OHM resistor mod to fix this here, but despite my searching I never found anything that really helped me understand what to do. So, if you buy this unit, follow the instructions that are specific to the Prius II on their website. They tell you which pin to connect to the white (7), white/black (8) and black wire (6), but there are no instructions for pink (9) or white (10). Several resistors are included in the kit. The Green, Blue and Brown banded resistor is the one you want. Solder it in between two wires and connect one end to the pink(9) and one to the white(10). Climate control and fuel economy come back and the steering wheel controls still work fine. hope this helps someone as it took me several hours to figure out. cheers