This is from the Pennsylvania Hybrid vehicle purchase Tax Incentives "Registration and Inspection Fee Exemption (bill): H.B. 969 would exempt hybrid electric vehicles, electric vehicles, and zero-emission vehicles from the annual registration fee. It would also create a credit for the cost of the certificate of inspection for said vehicles that the official inspection stations could claim when they inspect one of these vehicles once in the calendar year. The vehicle owner is exempt from paying the cost of the certificate. Finally, the bill exempts hybrid electric vehicles that obtain 40 mpg in the city from required emission inspection." My registration is up for renewal in two months and I can not seem to find any information on how to fill out a form to become exempt from paying for registration. Can anyone help me out please? Thank you.
It's possible the bill hasn't been passed yet. I found a PA HB969 that is still in the works ("Referred to COMMERCE, March 29, 2007"), but it didn't mention hybrids, so not sure if it's the same bill.
Thanks guys. Yes I did get the $500 back from the state it was pretty easy and I received it within a month or two.