I have a 2011 prius with code p261C. We replaced water pump with used pump from LKQ, reset codes. car drove fine for about a month, P261C came back. Freeze data shows "target pump speed 2600" "pump speed 0" "coolant temp 86C" I'm thinking the pump failed to turn on. I reset codes and it took 3 weeks to come back again with same info. The car has never over heated, pump runs with correct rpm's and I see no other issues. The dealer looked at it and could not find anything wrong. If you guys have any idea of what could cause the code other the the water pump or should I try a 3rd pump?
I had to replace my engine water pump, I watched a ton of videos. From what I watched but cannot back up through any technical first hand knowledge. Even a pump that spins freely when not installed, Some pumps will work well then sporadically stick/stop or slow for no apparent reason. I wanted to buy a used pump and save, but ultimately went for the Aisin one that has Toyota scratched off.