Greetings all, My 2011 (Gen 3) is still throwing two error codes: P0420 and P0A80. For the former, I've tracked this down as a PDF file: if anyone else is interested in it I'll put it somewhere it can be downloaded and update this post with the link. Seems like that is worth a shot before I splurge on a new cat, especially since I already have the citric and oxalic acids on hand for other projects. For the latter, I've replaced about 1/2 of the individual modules (the remaining cells load-tested good enough I thought), balanced everything out to the best of my ability per the indicated voltages at the end of the load test. The Dr. Prius app reports well under a half volt variance between the pairs (usually below 0.20) but that occasionally spikes to just over 1 volt, the triangle of death indicator light doesn't shine anymore though. The thing is, the wiring and bus bars were showing a lot of corrosion on initial disassembly so I'm wondering if one (or more) of the hybrid battery control unit sensor wires might've been compromised, if replacing that harness will help. Does anyone know a source or have a part number I can Google?
Well for your P0420 catalytic converter error, if your car has full coverage, park it on the street for a couple nights and a thief will make your problem go away
The best street would be one where somebody comes along and removes the old cat and puts a new one on, but I don't think there are many like that. Interesting paper on the citric and oxalic acid. The abstract certainly sounds promising. 2006, I wonder why I haven't heard more about it. I wonder if there's an easy way to apply it in Gen 3. The factory exhaust front pipe includes both cats, an EHRS heat exchanger, and a sub muffler. I guess one could try pumping solution through the whole thing, it's largely stainless. I wonder if the sub muffler is just a hollow resonator or if there is stuff in there that might absorb the solution. Or would one end up making a cut after the two cats, pumping solution through them, then joining the pipe back together?
I read elsewhere on one of these forums, it was a Spanish study. Translated to English for publication in a hoity-toity domestic chemical engineering periodicl. On this side of the pond I'm sure they'd rather sell a new cat than tell you anything about fixing or rejuvenating the old one. It was free to me via Inter-Library Loan, btw. In any event, I can't seem to edit the original post to add a link so I'm linking it here, Hmm, I wasn't aware that there were two cats. I've heard about a cat and a resonator, elsewhere around here somewhere. Not sure what function a resonator is supposed to satisfy. In any event though, if the pipe gets cut then my preference would be to weld it back with a flange because: I'm a US Navy-trained welder, I have an old Hobart 120 wirefeeder that does shielding gas, I have argon because I'll be buying a TIG welder soon. All I need to weld it today is the flange and some stainless welding wire. For the flange, one of these perhaps (after measuring to verify it's the correct size of course):
For a Gen 3 (left to right): first three-way catalyst, second three-way catalyst, exhaust heat recirculation system, sub muffler. I don't know whether the sub muffler is purely a hollow resonator, or has any other baffle materials in it like the main muffler.
I just happen to see this here. I am normally over in the Prius Gen 2 area. That article had a follow-up on the process 1 year later. I did the wash on my Cat about a year ago, after trying some other products. It did make a difference but couldn't give you a precise amount (since it was stolen shortly afterward). I was actually doing the wash to prepare it to recoat with another catalytic material. It is hard to even find bad catalytic converters to even experiment on now.