My sister was driving her 01 Prius and the engine shut off and all the dash lights came on. I was worried it was the hybrid battery since it is still original. I started the car and it started fine, drove home without any issues. Went to the store, everything seems normal. Read the codes and found P0121 and P3190, I just have a basic reader so I don't have any sub-codes or anything like that. P0121 Google says throttle/pedal position sensor P3190 Google found - Intake system - Throttle body assembly - Fuel pressure - Engine - Mass air flow meter subassembly - Out of fuel - Engine coolant temperature sensor - Crankshaft position sensor - Camshaft position sensor - EGR valve assembly - ECM So I'm going to start with looking at the throttle body, probably cleaning it since the oil has been overfilled a few times since I last cleaned it. I started changing the oil myself the last few times because of the overfilling, so I know it isn't currently overfilled. Maybe I'll have to get a hold of manual to figure out where some of these sensors are and how to test it.
Trouble codes are a lot more specific than this laundry list. Get your info from a reputable source (i.e. service manual) and your job will be a lot simpler than poking around various parts of the engine for hours...
Cleaning the throttle body is something I do with the fall oil change. But I concur with getting a Prius specific scanner. But this is not your car so it probably doesn't make a lot of sense. An alternative, you might see if the Toyota Service Center will read out all codes and the 'flash memory' contents. Bob Wilson
This isn't necessary. What's needed is a Prius-specific manual to translate the codes obtained by the scan tool. It may be worth spending the $$$ to get onto Toyota's tech site for a day or three... many manuals give step-by-step procedures for diagnosing and repairing various trouble codes.
When I googled the codes earlier that is what just came up for pretty much generic results. I've done more research since then and it seems the P03190 code is probably from the engine losing power which was probably caused by a bad signal from the throttle position sensor which caused the other code. Going to see if I can find the procedure for checking the sensor. I don't want to spend the money on a prius scanner, once this is sorted the car will be going up for sale. She has been looking at the Prius C for 3-4 months now.
Try disconnecting the 12V battery, just the ground, for a minute to hard-reset the codes. Then see if they come back to see if it is reproducible or a one-time event. Good plan! Bob Wilson
+1. You've already got some codes, now just go look them up in the car manual where you'll find out what they mean and how to follow up, instead of blindly googling them because it's free. Your time is worth something. Two days of access is all of $15 if I recall correctly. I wouldn't classify that as $$$, not even $$. -Chap
I have only spent 20-30 minutes researching it so it's not like I'm spending hours here. I'll have to look into the site. I guess I'm spoiled with my car, Mazda has downloadable service manuals if you join mazdamotorsports and it costs nothing. I've reset the codes, but only driven the car about 5 miles to the grocery store. Haven't had a chance to even look at the throttle body yet, been busy raking the yard every free moment. Tomorrow I'll be taking it to meet my sister after work to go look at some new cars.
Finally got around to actually checking the throttle position sensor. It was out of spec so I ordered a replacement.