For the people who requested online quotes and ended up buying from a dealer out of the state that they live in, how long did it take for you to get replies after requesting an online quote. I requested quotes from several dealers in virginia (i live in s.c.) about a week ago and have only gotten a reply from one who just said to call and discuss with them. So I called and the guy was "gone out to lunch" at 3 p.m. and would call me back (which he never did). Is this usual for internet business? Also, what kind of bargaining strategies did you guys use to attempt to get a lower price? Thanks. Mike
Bargaining??? MSRP is not bargaining- that is what most get down to. When we were trying out of state, most did not reply back. Call (telephone) each dealer and ask for Internet department-M-F 8-5 - usually less slimy and easier to deal with in terms of price. You get a better response that way.
I sent out about 15 requests in 3 regions SE/Atlantic/Midwest and got about 7 replies. My request was simple: 06, Black/Tan, OP#8, MSRP, no dealer addons. A couple of dealers called, and about 5 replied. I got the best responses from the Southern Indiana and Illinois dealers. I'll be buying from a dealer in that area.
I used and specified 3 local dealers. All replied within 24 hours (one sent an email within 30 minutes). One turned out to have just received a car that met my specifications (sort of) and I bought it for MSRP. The dealer said that had I not bought it he would have transfered it to another dealer within 12 hours. That's the kind of volitility we're dealing with. The supply/demand situation being what it is, my bargaining strategy was reduced to refusing to pay above MSRP.