I have a base model 2007 Prius: on three occasions I have had to “hack” my way into the systems signal portion of the diagnostics screen, where I found my battery charge at 11.8. The first two times it returned above 12.4v, and the last time it stayed under 12v. I could still use the car after the last hack. Then yesterday I tried to unlock it and while the fob was working, the car wouldn’t respond, and when I manually opened the lock, I couldn’t get the car to lock or unlock from the inside, nor could I start it. My reasoning is that the 12v battery in the trunk area died. I would love some feedback about this, though. And if it is that battery, what’s the cost of a replacement? Can I buy a used one? Is it something one with some handyness do themselves? Thank you.
It is an easy job for anyone practical minded, just remember disconnect and reconnect the negative first and last unless you have insulated tools and steady hands. I haven't a clue how much they are or what is available over there. I fitted a Yuasa to mine
Yes it shows you how to get to the 12v battery in the owners manual. Always remove the negative terminal first.
Best battery and warranty afaik, is the one from Toyota at $190-200. There are less expensive ones at the parts stores. As has been said, it's easy to replace if you're logical and disconnect the negative first and reconnect it last. Make sure all the connections are solid when you're done. In fact, it's a good idea to check them before you get a new battery in case something loosened up. If you take it to a parts store, they will usually test it for free, although I've heard crazy stories of some being afraid of the Prius. I imagine that that's rare, though.
Also check the size of the battery terminals before you go to the store or bring the old battery with you. There have been cases where the store sold someone a battery with the wrong sized terminals, or someone changed the terminals size in the car like happened to me. The original are these tiny little things. Tiny like no other car you have ever seen before.
if you have a 12v source (jump pack etc.) you can hook it up to the jump point under the hood and open the hatch. if not, you have to crawl in the back and find the emergency hatch opening lever. then you can try charging the battery, depending on age, or replace it. do not buy a used one, there's no way of knowing if it is any good. when you get a new one, make sure it is fully charged before installing. auto parts stores will do this for you. you can probably find you tube video's on replacement.
Thanks for that, I’ll probably go with a cheaper one, I’m currently trying to determine exactly what specs are required of a Prius battery, I read on autozone that it needs an AGM, Any sense of what a battery actually needs to have in order to do well in a Prius? The Toyota People I’ve spoken to are like children
You've got a used one. I suppose a used one from a salvage yard might work. Pepboys lists one for $195, less an online promotion of $49. I think they'll try to charge the full price if you just visit the store. So either barter the price down, or buy it online and pick it up at the same store.
yes you need age with a vent tube connection. best is to use their configurator to find the correct model. they aint cheap
There are more battery threads here than crooks in Washington. Not mentioned yet is that the Gen 2 Prii with SKS take a bigger battery than the non SKS Prii. So make sure you specify which version car you have when shopping for a new battery. If it was me, though, I'd get the Toyota battery with the 84 month warranty unless I just wanted to get it running to sell it.
Thanks for all the counsel. The one I’m looking at is $135 with a 3 year warranty. Should do the trick. The 80 month warranty is just a dollar per month off another battery. So in 7 years you get $80 off, but they don’t replace it unless otherwise specified.
I went to Advance Auto recently and they give you 20% off after 6 PM. I don't know if that is everywhere, I am now a late night shopper. There are three major car parts stores in our little town.
The SKS thing is a good question. If your car does not have SKS you can buy a new battery tray for less than the extra cost of the non SKS battery. Plus the SKS battery has more power. Battery Tray - 2004-2009 Toyota Prius (74440-47020) | Tracy Toyota