... Cosworth Escort rock solid, most anywhere up its speedo; denote, deceptive nature just how touchy the Supra was, at speed, getting itself an eencie-weencie-wittle-bit twitchy: Our democrat friends, in their Greta Thundberg, Pete Buttigeig specials, would have long since run out of juice, nursing it none too proud, 20 mph on limp mode, third way through this run - Samuel, '04 Ruthiemobile -
Wrong Youtube. This is the appropriate one: Fair enough, it costs me less than one gallon of gas to drive over 100 miles in my Tesla Model 3. So I have more money for important things: For every 100 miles, I still have $5 more than the average gasololic and in the example shared, $10 more. But true enough, Republicans must avoid the Liberal EV machines. Your friends will hate you if you do switch to EV. Bob Wilson
I disagree. I am interested in how people defend IC engines here at the beginning of that demise. I would take a different approach, with ICE transporting essentially all of human trade. Essentially all of global economy. Will continue to do so for decades. Personal vehicles as compensation toys are are not the strongest case.
meh. Street racer porn. Somebody somewhere today will post a video featuring a BEV whose owner planned poorly. Meanwhile, nothing will be said of the million ICE powered vehicles that try to cheat physics and lose. SSDD. Me? I like choices. PHEV for now. MAYBE a BEV later on when most of the 'non-recurring engineering fees' have been collected. Keep some of the better piston powered cars for collectors who have to good sense to mostly let them collect dust. Much like warbirds. Nobody thinks twice about getting on an airliner today, but there was a time when is was far less safe. Most aircraft today do not have flailing pistons because we found a better way. There are still bugs that cause bad stuff to happen (looking at YOU, Boeing!) but these are mostly engineers-v-accountants battles. Most likely someday cars will be the same way.
What is criticizing another persons decision on their car- meanness, ego, bullying? I was walking along with my groceries in my shopping cart, relaxed, passing by 12 Tesla chargers, still being prepared for use. A lady older than me was pushing her cart along too, and complained about electric cars. I said well people who want them buy them and those who don’t, don’t. She was surprised hearing it’s not a war, us against them, and started in on we have to get rid of electric cars. Turned to my truck, bye bye.
"Older Lady" Acting probably from fear more than 'meanness.' People fear what they don't know and it manifests itself with rude comments. The only thing I really worry about is the fact that they will remove the steering wheel - but we're a generation or two from that happening. I'm fresh out of rats to give about what people think about what I drive. I've been using my CFO's 2012 usta-car for my <3 mile commute and I have a GMC pickup for tow/haul ops. No political bumper stickers. No personalized plates. No non-functional accessories.