Okay, I apologize for the title...but by using the title noob I feel I subject my self to text lingity. Anyways, got a prius, like it so far, doing 53mpg, now on my 2nd tank, mixed driving...I didn't even over inflate the tires I like the car overall, even if it got 30mpg. Got a 2008 prius, wasn't any more than a civic, barely more than a comparable corrola given the year and mileage. My old car crapped out, never thought I would get a prius but it made sense given my profession is a (insert scream) salesman who drives a lot. I am considering putting a Bush '04 and a NRA sticker on my prius to confuse people. Any advice Anyways, learned a lot so far. I don't join a forum unless I will be a consistent user so I am sure I will get to know quite a few of you. keep it real, ryan
Yeah the stickers on the 08 will really through people. Now if you got a 2010, not so much. The 2010 is not your eco, treehuggin grandma's car anymore. Welcome aboard! Always nice to see a newbee with a sense of humor. chow
Install a gun rack and put a shotgun on it. Then place a bumper sticker that simply says, "It's loaded". Got to keep the public on its toes.