gas prices are going up again. $3 a gallon is not too far away. What do you think it will be this summer?
With due deference to those that have a hard time paying their energy bills, (and with no thanks to any rational public policy regarding energy, 3 years after the OPEC embargo) the faster they rise and the higher they rise the better. At some point we will begin to understand that fossil fuel is limited and to use it as profligately as we do is not only insane, it borrows from our children in any number of ways! (That's not new either!) At some point, as energy prices rise, alternative (including PHEVs/next gen Prius etc) all become more cost effective. Pv solar for example on a dollar for dollar basis can compete with grid power if we were paying the price for dirty coal. Eliminate that subsidy and all of a sudden $.30 kwh solar doesn't seem so expensive.
How did "House of Pancakes " threads suddenly appear in the main forum? Let's keep the main forum Prius only, Administrator.
You're missing poll choices... Can't vote... Gas price is already at ~4.25 US$/gal.... how could I predict summer prices... Lucky me: I don't live in western Europe... I would then be paying a bit less than 7 US$/gal (Source). Hey! You've got an addiction on foreign oil? Easy solution: double your gas prices! The higher it gets, the better we'll all be.