Well, we made it! The wait's still a few days down the road for many of us, but the Woo Hoos will start tomorrow afternoon. galaxee: remorse or The Dawn Of a New Day? will daniel win over maggie? will Rancid post pics? will someone produce a photoshopped gem? will tracysbeans break the PC record for questions asked in a 72 hour period? whatever happened to KrissySugarFace?
I do not know...nothing cool is 'happening' here right now for me to post pics of that would possibly interest others. :mellow: Maybe tomorrow.
Will I reach 500 posts? (I like easy goals) Will my wife join PC? (do I WANT her to?) My wife works tomorrow (as she did on Christmas Day) so the day won't mean much to me. She cannot stay up til midnight so it will not be much of a celebration. We saved one bottle of "fake" bubbly to toast around 9:30 pm. I gained 10 lbs between Thanksgiving and now...I am bummed...gotta drop it by Easter.
Except, perhaps, in China. Chief Wiggum: You can have these fireworks I confiscated... some Chinese people claimed they were celebrating New Year's in February... Homer: Oh yeah, those guys and their crazy scams... (Homer and Wiggum laughing) Chief Wiggum: Good food though...
dawn of a brand new day, guys... no remorse at all. i'm feeling so much better already, like a weight has been pulled off my shoulders. much less stressed, though still kinda hurt from all the nasty things he said to me. debating whether i'll write him his summary of all the "nothing" i did there... DH is shimming my prius today, which means i'm priusless and stuck at home. i need a good day of rest though. planning out our trip also, we leave sometime on tuesday. not sure when, just yet. hmmm. think that's all that's new over in my end of the world. oh, there goes the dryer. i'm also doing laundry and dishes today, so exciting i could do laps around the house :lol:
Are you one of those with a garage-full of exercise equipment, purchased right after New Year's in years past? Or does your force have a fitness center?
Glad to hear it. Guess we know who might lead the Top 10 Posters today (if you can wrestle tracysbeans to the ground :lol: ). When do you think you might hear something from the other woman (about a job)? Before you get back to NC?
must be nice... i gained 10 pounds from last Friday to today. company Xmas party, Seahawk game, (junk food all day) Xmas at sister in laws, now today another Xmas for since nephew out of town...new years eve party... (dont drink so eat twice as much to make up for it)... kinda tragic... walking down hallway back from lunch and button popped off my pants...now if that aint a sign...
It's raining here now and I love it! I'm using this few minutes here to wait for the pilot to reset on the fireplace so I can light it, make myself some hot cocoa, and watch a holiday-ish movie on the dvr. Got a bottle of Martinelli's sparkling cider in the fridge for tonight. I like the stuff far more than I like champagne or wine. Can't wait to pop it open. Husband's stuck at work today until 5pm. And works tomorrow starting at 12pm. Darned retail holiday hours! I'm going to the Stars/Kings game at the Staples Center Monday night. My best girlfriend and fellow Dallas Stars fan snagged her company's VIP suite tickets for the game. Good bye $10 seats in the rafters, hello company suite. Free food, free drinks, free desserts. Private entrance, private elevator. We're going in style this time. Oooh, the Stars play the Kings in Dallas tonight at 5pm (PST). Gotta go check to see if it's on local tv so I can watch it in a few...
at least it's not 7-7, 5 days a week, and after cleaning up the hundreds of bucks worth of tools he can't leave out, arrival time at home 9 or later... on the bright side i found out today we're one car payment away from not being upside down anymore...
Oh, yeah. And..... 500 Much better. Off to enjoy the lovely [Broken External Image]:http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v432/rancid13/JenniferPictures026.jpg
No, it was 9-9 for him for the month of December-last day of that 12-hr work day thing was yesterday; usually took 1-3 hours to do closing paperwork so he got home well after midnight most nights. 7 days a week. No days off. Not even for our anniversary on the 13th. Ugh. Was supposed to have today and tomorrow off, but the company was doing so well numbers-wise they decided to stay open those 2 days to 'achieve' their goals for the year.
nasty. i remember retail hell quite well. this is my life, year round. except during the slow season, when he makes very little money but gets out after maybe 10 hours. depressing. at least i'm not the only one who's deprived of the husband though.
You're definitely not the only one, I'm right there with you. The rest of the year (Jan-mid November) he has his regular 10-hour workdays (10am-8pm + 1-2 hours closing paperwork). And gets 2 days off each week (Sun/Weds). And here am I, working the Mon-Fri 7:30am-4:30pm office job. I have it far easier than him as far as hours and actual work goes, but he makes 2x as much as I do. So at least there's some payoff I guess.
I think I'm getting the same rain you are, and I'm enjoying it too now that I don't have to go back out in it. My houseguests just left, and I'm hanging out with my cats, who are overjoyed to have reclaimed the whole house for themselves.
makes me feel much better. except, for now he makes about 2x my salary. one day i'll make 2x his salary if i land somewhere good. my job isn't nice either, should be working 10-12 hour days in lab provided i had a LAB TO BE IN... but one day it'll be 8-9 hour days. one lovely day. think he'll be doing 12 hour days until he's been there long enough to get away with leaving early.