I've posted about sex with the Miss America thread, I've posted about drugs with the Michael Phelps thread. I really don't have any interest in Rock and Roll. Why can't you guys stay on topic.
Okay, let me make it easy for you. Every post should be about sex or drugs. You don't wanna force me to go back into FHOPolitics do ya?
Is that an inclusive "or", so that if I post about Viagra it would be okay, since that covers both sex and drugs? Tom
It's an incluse 'or'. If you posted about Bikini Girl on American Idol we could sneak in refernces to Rock and Roll.
I thought this thread was about climate change not Al Gore. Why do the denialist's always sidetrack the discussion to one about the people rather then the message? Al Gore is no scientist, just a person using his profile to spread a message passed to him by scientists. Most scientists are not communicators, most communicators are not scientists. Al Gore is just the orator of the science beast, the brain is invisibly hidden. Like when you speak sometimes the words that come out your mouth are different to the ones your brain believes are correct. Get over it and get back to the science. Al Gore is one tiny part of a larger organism or movement. That is what I was trying to say a few posts ago. Al Gore isn't the centre of the debate he is just a debater. It is no different to Brittany Spears telling kids not to take drugs. Just because she doesn't live the talk doesn't make the message any less important. It is that Brittany Spears has a high profile among young people that she might be asked to relay such a message. Should we not bother to tell kids this message? well hell no. Should we get an unknown to speak the words? It would have less affect. Back to the topic at hand, is man based climate change real. I'm in the tail end (I hope) of a record equalling heat wave, 10 days above 35 degrees Celsius and 6 of those days over 40 this time around. The last record was set in 2008. I know we don't just use extremes but climate change concerns here are about those extremes. Colder cold, like the greater than average snow falls in North America, higher highs, like our record equalling and maybe tomorrow breaking hot spell. These things are damaging our food production and economy. Ignoring this stuff is just stupid. Maybe these fluctuations are natural, a majority of climatologists believe they are influenced by human activity. The arguments have all been put on the table so there is no point in my dragging out a pile of links to prove my position. You can deny it all you like and as we gurgle down the toilet your denial will be duly noted. The silly thing is we can reduce our reliance on fossil fuel with current technology and in most cases the payback on investment will take no more than the time it takes to pay off the average home mortgage, but governments are only in power for less than half that time so there is little incentive for them to act on such "long term" returns. (I had to post off topic here too.)