Hi Folks, I thank everyone who gave me sound advice about the Prius Gen III. The discussion(s) can be found here: Nuances of a test drive | PriusChat I took a test drive (2x) today and will be picking up a new Prius 2014 (manufactured 12.13 and OK'd by IIHS crash test) this Weds. The only niggle I had was rear visibility which was obscured by the dealer info. sheet. Rear visibility was fine and acceleration was decent and seamless. At one point I didn't even know I was going 70 mph on a 50 mph road. The acceleration is similar to my Subaru Forester, if not faster on "Power" mode. My wife was comfortable in the back seat of the vehicle and the handling was sure. More to come as I take delivery of my new shiny Prius. Again, thanks to Prius Chat members for their sage advice regarding this moving piece of technology. Cheers, Cape Ann
Thanks folks! After two days of Massachusetts/Commonwealth based nonsense* I was able to get the Prius late, late last night. I will post piccies and driving impressions shortly. It is a nice car. CapeAnn * the Massachusetts DMV never cancelled my out-of-state licenses even though they were surrendered * an insurance company which has a maid-like spokeswoman rejected me because I work, travel and have bank accounts out of state. The implication is that I'm a fraudster.
Oh no! Look out, IRS, NSA, FBI, CIA, State highway patrol, local police, Home Land Security, and anyone else I forgot!
Greetings and Welcome Aboard! Don't fill out the dealer satisfaction form until you make them disable the reverse beeeeeeeeeeep. Good Luck with the Commonwealth paper chase. All the best.
Thank you everyone. Happy to be a true member after signing on some odd 4 years ago. I like Prius World (Chat) a lot. It was a nasty day here at the North Shore of Ma. and the first test drive was short. Heavy fog, freezing rain is just no fun. The wife tried the Prius and liked it much better than her first test drive years ago. Here's my pup wearing' his Massachusetts Red hoody standing next to the Prius 2014 level 2. What's neat is that when I was buying batteries at the hardware store I find a Prius Gen II parked next to me.
Congratulations. I didn't give you any advice in your original thread, probably a good thing. But enjoy those 5 mph rated Prius bumpers and those polycarbonate SWAT spec shielded lens covers.
Thanks again for your compliments on my new Pri! Sadly, the car will be sitting for several weeks in a garage as I travel on business. To date - I've got a total of 60 miles on it with a mpg of 52-55 which is near magical. Seriously, it must be some kind of sorcery as I didn't see the digital fuel gauge move for the entire time the wife and I were driving it. I will definitely will have to try out the bumpers with my own fist to check the rating. Not sure how to test something like Lexan other than with a baseball bat, or bullet. And I am thankful that I am over all this Commonwealth baloney. Should have stayed in California where the Pri Rulz! p.s. I kinda like the beeping! Strange, but as a manual shift driver it lets me know that I am in reverse whereas with any of my stick-cars I don't have a clue other than manually looking at the shift position.