The other day Toyota sends me a letter saying: 1. Thanks for waiting... 2. The '05 will cost $700 more, and 3. Here's a rebate certificate, good for $700 off an 05, OR $300 off an 04. Now here's the rub. I already have my Prius. Got an 04 Prius last month, thanks to a stroke of luck... heard about a dealer in Stockton who could deliver faster. Sooo.... am I entitled to that $300 rebate or not? Nothing on the certificate says either way... there's an expiration date (next year), but no start date... so do I qualify? Or did it come too late? Any dealers know?
Well, I experienced similar... SORT OF... I ordered a cargo net for my 04 because they only had the net for the 03 in stock. It was right around $40. Next day I got a coupon about their summer sales event in the parts department and they were like $12 off. Asked if I could use it and was told no, although the coupon DID mention it was for in stock items only. So first, check for any fine print that MAY be against you or CONSTRUED against you. If none, and *IF* they refuse to let you use it, at least try and get something like 10% off any accessories you purchase within 30 days or something... Even if they don't want to honor a coupon when you already bought and took delivery, I'd hope they're willing to do a LITTLE SOMETHING for ya Good luck!
Abe, I used my coupon yesterday when I picked up my Priapus. The coupon says that you can either apply it to the purchae of the car an point-of-sale or send the coupon to Toyota and receive a check. It al says that this rebate supercedes the previous $300 offer. Provided you have not yet sent in the original $300 coupon, you should send this one in. Just make sure you send along all the required paperwork. In the end, just to be safe, you can always call Toyota Customer Service for clarification. but I say send it in and if they deny it because you've already sent in the first one, no harm. My dealer had never seen the new reabate before and almost gave me $700 off an '04. Then someone read it and clarified the situataion. Damn.
I used the rebate a day after I picked up the Prius I picked up my 04 Silver #5 on Tuesday. On Wednesday in the mail, I received the rebate/deduction certificate. I went back to the dealer and asked them to sign it and put their dealer number on it. They did and I mailed it in. It's worth a try. I ordered before March (November, 2003), so on my bill of sale was the old price, 19,995. The dealer didn't change it and add the $300. So now with this rebate I'm paying 19,695! Mary Lou [font=Comic Sans MS:a443d491f4] [/font:a443d491f4]
thanks for the advice I did pretty much what Mary Lou did. Sent the certificate to the dealer, asking him to sign and fill in dealer number. Made sure I checked the box "send rebate directly to buyer/lessee"... and asked his to send it back to me. We'll see!
Like my old boss used to say, "You don't ask... you don't get!" I got the certificate signed by the dealer, then sent it to Toyota, not knowing if I'd ever hear from them. That was about six weeks ago. The check arrived this weekend. And to think I almost tossed the original letter figuring it was just more Toyota P.R. Nice little capper to my 8-month Prius quest. 'Scuse me, while I head to the bank.