My 2006 Prius has 880 miles today. Since the last fillup the computer broke into 50.5 MPG city. Prior to this I could only get up to 48 by the computer. I got 50 MPG last week on a straight highway drive, so I am smiling more & more. After I change to full synthetic oil it would not surprise me to gain 1-3 MPG as I have done on other cars. Why? Synthetic oil is more slippery than regular oil. This allows the engine's moving parts to move more freely allowing for more MPG.
I filled my tank for the second time today. I filled up with just less than 1/2 tank left (287 miles) because gas price was 2.04 and have long trip planned for the weekend. MFD = 49.2 mpg and calculated = 50.0 mpg. After fill up I got 56.9 mpg on my 31 mile drive home. I am liking this also. I'm at 660 total miles now.
You paid ONLY $2.04 per gal. of gas!! Here is W Palm Beach the best price is about $2.37/gal. If the weather wasn't so nice here I would consider moving to where you live. Is everything else cheaper in Indiana, too? B)