Hello! Newbie Prius Owner here. (I believe I FINALLY figured out how to post in a forum.) We have a 2008 Toyota Prius, with over 200k miles, the HV battery is bad and being replaced today. The diagnostic test pretty much said replace timing belt, & the HV battery (cell 6) is weak. The gas engine jumps as if its going to shut off. When switching electric to gas it jumps, rough. Its loud. It has a ticking noise. I dk if the timing belt being changed will fix this issue or not but thge belt looks fine. Thank you all in advance
if you are seeing the belt in the engine bay, that's the water pump. trying to diagnose engine problems with 200,000 miles means making sure you are up to date on service, then researching things like motor mounts, maf sensor, throttle body, plugs, injectors etc. does she burn any oil? if it really needs a new timong chain, you may be better off with a salvage engine. are you getting a new toyota battery from a dealer?
I have never heard of any diagnostic test being able to tell you to replace the the timing belt on any car, ever. A Gen 2 Prius has a timing chain, not a belt. A ticking noise is likely the valves, very common for the 1.5 liter engine. If it's more of a knock then your engine is probably going to throw a rod through the block. Also very common if somebody let the engine run out of oil.
Chain or belt doesn't really matter at this point, except to say get only the HV battery replaced then see where you are at. If the belt you mentioned is actually the water pump belt, then that is a small amount to replace, so if it is time to do that, do it then nothing for a while.