Until the new Toyota XM radio unit comes out in March/April, I will be using MyFi connected via the AUX jack. When using power either from the source inside the console or from below the the dash on the right side, there is noise. When running the MyFi from its own Li-Ion battery, there is no noise. This is exactly as predicted in the Owner's Manual on page 306. It is a higher pitch sound than normally expected from a grounding problem. Anyone have any ideas if any filters or other remedies will help?
It could be the power supply causing the problem. Are you using an inverter to convert 12V to 120V, then using the power adapter for the XM? Even if you were using a strictly 12V adapter, no 120V involved, they often use switching power supplies that can be noisy. The aux cabling could pick up such noise. Still, try using a ground loop isolator. My Aiwa had an aux in, and I couldn't connect my laptop to it, and have the car power the laptop with an inverter without getting noise. No noise occured when the laptop was battery powered. After hearing about the ground loop problem the ipods were having, I believe that was my problem.
I used to do a lot of two way radio installation for some of the local police and also with my ham radio gear. A high pitched whine was often associated with noise from the alternator. There were filters available which completely eliminated it. However, I have not studied the Prius system enough to know if a whine could be caused by any particular component. Rod
Rod, Good suggestion. BTW, regarding ham gear, Prius owners manual says 2 way radios could interfere with the car's circuits. Doesn't indicate any particular sensitivities based on frequency. John
Are there any amateur radio operators out there running their rigs from a Prius? I am also a ham radio op and the fear of god just struck me when you mentioned that RF might interfere with the cars circuits. I can just see myself running off the road when I key the mike on my radio. Anyone have any insights into this?
John, That brings up some things for thought. I may install a old Icom 28H in mine until I break for a new smaller unit. I had it in my Insight for a long time, mounted under the AM FM Radio. I never experienced a problem with that car, (it's not as high tech as the Prius) and the electronics in the car did not affect it's receive performance. My XM radio antenna is now laying on my dash surface in my car, and with the big windshield on the Prius I have no problems even in the garage with XM reception from the dash surface, but it did cause a little problem from it's oscillator on some VHF freqs in the Insight. Ideally, I would mount it outside the car but I had one mounted outside on the Insight and at it started giving me poor reception. I took it apart and discovered it was full of water. So I don't trust them outside. I probably would coat mine with something if I ever mount it outside again. (It's a new one, the old one was trashed). Want list: A circuit to display my scanners freq on the MFD. Maybe buy a public service scanner with DB9 out connector, try to design some circuit which can display the scanner freq on the mfd when the squelch breaks. There is some software out there to use a palm device with the IC-PCR1000 so it may be possible to interface one of them to the mfd after some sort of interface. There is not enough demand for something like that to ever be available commercially. Perhaps the maker of the CanView device could implement something, but he would not make any money on it if a lot of additional R&D were required. I had an 82 vette with a factory cb/am/fm radio and when the squelch opened it faded out the FM radio, and back in when it closed. Was very nice on long trips. I turned the squelch tight, and only heard the truckers if they were close to me. I would love a circuit like that for my scanner, in the Prius, just to be sure I could hear seldom used freqs while I listen to the FM radio or XM. I also want to put my 750 watt inverter in the rear of the car with a neat install near the 12v battery. Also want to mount the IC 28 back there also some kind of remote head to change freq and volume. It looks so good after years of use mainly as a monitor, that I hate to get rid of it, and it transmits anywhere it hears. I may be able to build that little remote head, but it would take so much time and energy I may as well buy one with a remote head. I like all kinds of capability in the car, but I don't like wires everywhere. And I would probably NOT use a gain antenna for the IC 28H or a new small tranceiver. I would want a small whip, black, mounted at the top of the hatch in the center, bent at the same angle as the AM FM antenna. I used a Larsen 1/4 wave antenna with the Insight. Also, I may try to use the existing AM FM antenna with a coupler for use on VHF to receive only....when I can get to the antenna wire! I have an Antenna Specialist coupler. Then I can be stealth. I'm an amateur radio operator but I don't transmit much. I would probably only use 1 watt anyway if I did transmit in the Prius. Most of the time I use the IC 28H to monitor the VA state police, and my home town police department. A good triple conversion scanner with a capability for remote mounting like the PCR1000 could be used for amateur/public service nicely, if one does not transmit a lot. I could keep a small handheld in the glove compartment for transmitting. I mainly want an all in one solution, hidden, with no obvious hint that I am using a monitor or other equipment. But that's the fun of fixing your vehicle with personal equipment. I probably will be satisfied with a good, hidden, scanner like the PCR1000 controlled with some kind of Palm cell phone with the software already out there. As long as this is a want list, make it receive DC to light, trunk track, and be digital communications ready. (some are already out there, with signal stalker circuits). I noticed today that the PRO-2096 is 100 dollares off until the 24th. By the way, HF is probably out of the question in this car. Rod WA4KHA
Rod, I agree that HF is probably out unless you use one of the very low power rigs. I have an Icom 706 MkIIG but I would never put it near the Prius. If you wanted to see if Toyota had more information you could call customer service, but I doubt they would have information at hand. I think it's fair to assume as a starting point that anything of the power of cell phones and in the 800 - 1900 MHz would be fine, especially with its own power source and the further you go away from that would be more experimental. Maybe Toyota could say what the adverse effects to look for are. I have not tried anything as I am in a phase of being tired of the local repeaters and enjoy XM satellite radio more. I have a Uniden BCD396T and haven't even had time to play with that. Three60guy, so special insights, but I'd keep that big linear in the garage. Take care, John, K6KD
Could someone tell me more about this? Will it be a dealer install option? Aftermarket option? Estimated cost? Complicated install? Thanks
Details and prices not available yet, but as far as I know, a dealer installed option cost maybe around $500, not too complicated. There is an aftermarket kit now. Only issue with current unit (most likely unit, but could be the 2004-2005 display) is limitation of 10 characters per text line.
I have the Pioneer Airware and am using a 70W power inverter which gets rid of the background noise problem.....I also have an Apple Ipod, so I switch between the 2 with the AUX plug on my '06.... both temporary solutions until the Toyota XM install becomes available in spring as well as in dash use of the ipod become available from Dension (the nav mod).
to the Ham's on this thread, back in early 2004 PriusChat some one had a rig in his Prius that when he keyed the car stuttered. I'm not sure but I'd say about march or april 2004 there was a lot of banter here on Ham radio's in Prius. Do some searching you'll probably find it.
Would you say more about the new Toyota XM unit you mention? I have a 2006 ordered and have been trying to decide what XM option to purchase/install. Thanks.
I do not have any direct experience with the Prius... but I am a pilot and your problem seems identical to what my pilot friends have been reporting with portable XM units in their planes. The solution seems to be a ground isolation device which is available at Radio Shack. I am wondering if anyone has similar problem with iPods. I just ordered the Belkin power adapter w/audio jack for our iPods... and I am hoping they are not sensisive to ground loops.