Occasionally my Prius 2nd gen has no dashlights when I start it up. No speedometer no gas mileage no gas gauge and also the car won't turn off by pressing the power button I would have to hold the power button for 5 seconds. To get the dashlights on I would have to pull out the aux battery out and push it back in. That fixes it sometimes but not all the time. Sometimes I would just drive it like that and eventually it would come back in on its own the next morning. It's pretty annoying. Any idea of the cause and the solution? I'm not in the US so I don't have access to a sensible dealership.
My prius just had that problem. We have a lot of road salt in Chicago during winter there is a sensor in left corner of dash that if windshield darkens light input display acts goofy. The senor is a little black bump on left side right in front of windshield where vin numbers are.wipe it clean and windshield where its located and instant dash lights