Nissan LEAF Instrument Panel Video - like WOW!! they call it the "geek" screen but definitely check out the Nissan Leaf LCD screens link after the video is over. the first video is just the explanation of the heads up display. the 2nd video get into what settings and info you can monitor concerning the Leaf's performance. i hope Toyota is watching. would love to have this level of info on a Prius
The programming options with relation to charging, as well as the heating/cooling on grid power alone could make the sale on this thing. Throw in the net capabilities such as the iPhone app and streaming data and this vehicle is easily a high 9 on the gadgetron factor.
I phone app already done. Hoping android will have something by ng bylaunch time or when I get mu leaf in a month or so
LOL amen!! on the Prius that runs 500+ miles on a tank, one realistically is almost completely clueless as to how far he can really go. many times i have gone nearly 100 miles after the blinking bar. now we have a Leaf that tells you everything you need to know about how far you have to go, what you can do to change it, where to charge, how well you are driving, and how much range you are losing by playing the radio...unreal
There seemed to be some video/audio out of sync problems in the LCD explanation video. Yeah, these cool features were emphasized at the test drive/tour event. The IP wasn't explained that much at the above event. I'm glad I watched the instrument panel video that came up as a choice, afterward.
The I phone app was demonstrated at the test drive but I notice it still not on the I tunes catalog. I check android market every week or so as well. Guess they gonna wait til dec 11th launch...*sigh*
The info is letting you know how fast your range is decreasing when you turn the A/C or heater on, it does not help to eliminate the range anxiety. In fact it will make you sweat more when you know you are not going to make to the destination and there is no charging station shown on the map nearby.
very true and nothing will stop anxiety for some people no matter HOW MUCH INFORMATION THEY HAVE to help make a decision. i have a co-worker who agonizes over every little thing she hears about. she is in a constant state of turmoil. she is a divorcee who obviously relied on her ex to make most of the mundane day to day decisions. all she can do is imagine the worst case scenario then complain about how unfair it is and how much difficulty she will have dealing with it. all i can say is, if you buy a Leaf, set up a trip of 100 miles ONE way and then determine with the information that Nissan is providing, you have no where to charge for the trip back, YOU DESERVE TO WALK!!
Here's some Leaf eye candy from first owner Telematics Service by CARWINGS screenshots - My Nissan Leaf Forum • View topic - OMG Carwings !!!!
Ya pretty cool. Provides tons of daa on your performance I.fluxing ranking you glo ally and locally with other leaf drivers
Yep. Should be awesome. Its like excel on steroids constantly judging us against a nation of Leaf drivers. Sure makes a hypermile challenge easy to score!!
Dave, you probably have the most EV miles under your belt. You can become #1 on CarWing! You can do it!
:Cry: Still locked out of Carwings. My life's carma must be catching up to me. The San Diego Leaf delivery went to a fellow who completed his order process about a week after many others. Evidently I've lost my touch at sucking up to the right folks.
Well I don't ha e carwinvs access either. But did gudy's scrreen shots. I do ha e my access code but have to enter that into the car
Telematics are great! Have people challenging themselves/others for better efficiency. This will make you sick .... across the street, a 16 year old girl starting up, idling her older Volvo in driveway (parents recently purchased for her) .... idling for, I do not know, maybe 10 minutes, didn't keep track, but it was a while. I go over there, she rolls down window, ask 'are you waiting for your mother or something?' she says 'I'm warming the car'. I missed the opportunity to ask 'what do you mean, until the temp gage rises??'. I should tell her 'don't warm it up in driveway or you'll burn about 2 gallons doing so'.