Nissan plans electric cars in Portugal Automakers Nissan and Renault will sell electric vehicles in Portugal in 2011 and the allied companies have partnered with the government in an attempt to create a national network of charging stations. Nissan is going all out on electric vehicles, promising to sell them globally in 2012, with the first models arriving in Japan and the U.S. in 2010 Nissan has not yet given details of the electric vehicle it has in the works. Fuji Heavy Industries, which makes Subaru cars, and Mitsubishi Motors Corp. plan to offer electric vehicles in Japan next year. Mitsubishi's electric vehicle travels 99 miles on a single charge, while Subaru's goes 50 miles. Mitsubishi plans to sell its electric vehicle in Europe in 2010, while tests are planned for the U.S. for 2009. Subaru has not decided on overseas sales plans for its electric vehicle.
I'm pretty excited about all this activity...I really am beginning to think that by 2015 EVs might be widely available in all markets in lots of configurations and options.
good, the sooner the better. we'll just have to put noise makers on the EV's to make sure blind folks can hear them