If you have a difficult time deciding which one you are, here's a website to help you out... Ninjas vs. Pirates (BTW, I'm a pirate-all the way. Here's my boyfriend...don't tell my husband.)
I cannot answer the poll. I am a pirate that is fully trained in the art of Ninjitsu. But does that make me a Ninja Pirate or a Pirate Ninja?
based on the criteria... and the fact that i got a bunch of error messages saying the polls don't exist (huh?) i'm gonna take a shot and say i'm mostly ninja. but i do see some pirate characteristics that also fit. hmm.
Pirates for style and sheer coolness, but Ninjas for skill, patience, art and silent death. I really love both genres - this is a tough one.
I'll settle this right now: When I went to see The Colbert Report before the show Steven took Q&A. A guy asked him who would win in a fight. His immediate answer was a pirate. He then thought a second and asked if this was a ship stealing, one legged, hooked, parrot on the shoulder or a modern ak-47 carrying pirate. The fan said it was the first kind. His final answer was then Ninja and said thee pirate has one real leg for god's sake and you cant even see a ninja. There you are case closed Steven says
Pirate for sure, Rum belly and all , find the treasure. Arrrrgghh would loved to been on Pirate Master 10 yrs ago. LOL