...sinks to a new low. Preface my comment with "it has nothing to do with the man on the cover" That being said, I guess they are in a battle with time to see "who can be more ridiculous". What happened to journalism?
Are there any reputable US sources of news left? Most of them are too US-centric for my tastes, anyway, but now it seems they can't even report domestic news accurately - or be bothered to try.
I changed my home page a while back. If you want meaningful news to read, I suggest RealClearPolitics, or any of its sister sites (markets, sports, energy, policy, religion, etc.)
Seriously. I had to find the actual newsweek site before I believed that they could do something so boneheaded.
You know it's interesting to see how different CNN is from CNN International. When I visit relatives in Vienna, I notice I don't just get more international news, I also get more concise and relative US news. Why can't CNN have similar news headlines here...I'd probably watch them here if they had that instead of their current healine news/talkshow central channels.
most my news anymore i get from the latest headlines bar on my firefox, which is BBC news. Current had a OK run til they canned Olbermann. CNN is awful, and MSNBC is mostly unwatchable anymore besides Ed and Dylan Ratigan.
How many feel like me? Over the past fifty years, news in the US has gotten a lot more diversified, frequent, more entertaining, and a lot less factual. Now you can choose an outlet to confirm your outlook on the world if that's more important than what is really going on.