Hello all, I just purchased my first Prius yesterday after months of lurking on here. I bought a 09 Prius Package 7 with 57,000 miles on it. My commute is 75 miles round trip daily. I must say I HATE the leather seats but I got such a deal on it I couldn't pass it up. I will be looking to swap the leathers out for cloth in the near future (if anyone is close and wants to swap let me know). I just wanted to say hello and hope to learn alot about this car. Mike
Welcome. Now you'll be less stressed when sitting in traffic & she'll really scoot when you punch it. Both are valuable qualities up there.
Welcome NJ! We just finally turned in our older NJ EZPass for new VA I95/495 HOT lanes EZPass. NJ you get a few EZPass green discounts for Prius, bridges to NY too but you may need to get another EZPass for that...not sure.
The main benefit is on the Port Authority crossings, which have a significant off-peak discount (to $5.50) if you have the green EZPass tag. Best way is to get the Thruway green tag (no monthly fee) then add the PAGRN program to it to get the Port Authority discount.
Hey just cover the seats with a towel you like (wash first and get all the lint off) and you'll be set