Hi Everyone, I just bought a 2008 Prius with 84,000 miles on it. Magnetic Grey with Leather and Navigation. The car seems to be in pristine condition, especially based on physical appearance. It is really exciting to see such a wonderful community of owners and this site has already proven to be an amazing resource and I have only read for a couple of hours. Albeit fairly overwhelming to learn so much about how different my new car is than other vehicles. I probably should have done more research before buying but, can't say I regret anything yet. Tonight and tomorrow I plan on reading the entire owners manual. I will try and post some pics over the next couple of days. I have a great one with it next to my wife's 200 GT Vespa. I didn't even think about it when buying but they are almost identical in color and I am proud to have a family "Eco Fleet" as I am calling it.
Better hope you have a stiff drink in order to read that manual... I flipped through it a few times... It's a yawner, to be honest. I would use it more of a reference guide for looking up specific things like 'What does this do?' type of stuff.