Interesting recent article by DC Car Geek shows BEV ownership breakdown in New York. What's so interesting about it? If you notice, we never get state-by-state car sales data for hybrids or anything for that matter. This data is held proprietary by companies that sell the data, and it's also held by the states DMV's. Data Shows Tesla Dominates New York EV Market | DCCarGeek Telsa 1399 Nisaan 535 Smart 198 Honda 123 FORD 89 Toyota 88 (not too shabby?) .
Shabby. BMW also has 88 plugins registered, but has been on sale for about a third of the time the PPI has. Though it isn't clear if the numbers are BEV only or all plugins. Of course that means just about everybody else is in the shabby bin too.
I took a look at the data myself. It looks like there is a column labeled "Fuel Type". It appears the author of the article just filtered for "ELECTRIC". What he doesnt include (which is why I wanted to see the data myself in the first place), is the Chevy Volt. There are 19 entries tagged with "CHEVR" as the make (and that includes one 2004 MY, one 1996 MY, one 1999 MY * ). Which leaves 16 registered Chevy Volts in NY between 2011-2014? I seriously doubt that. I think the data is suspect. My guess is whoever was on the DMV terminal at the time a new vehicle registration was created either tagged the Volt or Prius Plug-in as GAS or ELECTRIC, with most of them being tagged as GAS. It may be possible to distinguish Volts and PiPs in the data by using the "Unladen Weight"column, but unless my employer asks me to do this, I'll let someone else with more time on their hands dig into that. Here's the link to view the data online (with a nifty spreadsheet interface): Vehicle, Snowmobile, and Boat Registrations | State of New York | Open Data * the 1996 and 1999 Chevy are tagged with a body type of "4DSD" (4 door sedan???) and the 2004 entry has a body type of "SUBN", whatever that is (2,347 unladen weight).. I'd guess EV1, but 2004??
Yes I see the data are sketchy. The Tesla may be semi-accurate but you have to look at Tesla, Telsa, TSLA, TES etc. Tesla/ You can look up VIN to get idea of model, the Toyotas seem to be a few Prii labled as Electric Not too helpful except maybe the Tesla/Nissan may be OK
Did I just skim too fast? . . . . or does one simply have to guess whether the chart - 0 - numbers represents NY plugin purchases in 2014? 2015? ... or everything since when the chart's start date of 2008 was drafted? .... or? EDIT; after thought ... blue is the main purchased color? Geez - you can hardly find a 'regular' prius in that color ... much less the PiP - which just comes in the grey-ish shades. Even Tesla ! ... blue is one of their most recent colors recently added. White I could believe. .
too bad, this would have been interesting data. i would love to see state breakdowns, or even cali to see what the lower 49 are doing.
blue is an extra cost option color on tesla, I have seen only 1. NY people must be vary different than texans, as most of us won't pay $1000 more for a blue car. Sure there are some that really want that color, but it is rare here on teslas. I do see a lot of blue leafs where it is a no cost color, but there are more teslas than leafs in my neighborhood.
ok . . . . I guess I do like their shade of blue; I DID have a Schwinn with a seat that was that color back in the day. .
The finish of that Tesla is much to good. At first glance the big streak on the photo looked like a bird hit and streak...then a closer look shows a mirror grade finish.