Can you believe we are approaching a new decade??? My resolution is to seek out and see at least 5 Prius Primes in 2020. PRIME ON !!! Oh, and get better mileage #s and care for my sheep.
Technically, since the first decade started with a 1, all the others follow suit unless one of them only had nine years. On the other hand, every single moment is the start of another decade. Nevertheless, that sounds like a worthy objective. I thought I lived in a "Prime Desert," but I usually several per month. Happy hunting.
Jerry, arguments about when a decade starts, like arguing that the first day of the 21st century was really Jan 1, 2001, is an argument long lost. Pointing out that the first day of the first century of the Christian Era was Jan 1, 1, not Jan 1, 0 (if they had used the same calendar then, which they didn't) will get you you nowhere.
I know that. And repeating misconceptions doesn't do any good either. I still like @huskers' resolution, so let's not get any more sidetracked that we already are. Just keep bragging about our Primes.
One of my many 2020 New Year's resolutions is to build the winner of my adapter giveaway The Best 240v Adapter Ever !!! Rob43