I took a rock a few days ago and a ding turned into a foot-long crack. I had it replaced by a local windshield shop and had a good experience - except that the replacement windshield has a black bar running from the rear-view mirror to the top of the windshield -- probably for a Prius with an electronic rear-view mirror. FYI, in case you get yours replaced - specify a windshield for your model.
They knew what they were doing. They just didn't happen to have the right one for your car and installed what they had. No one is to be trusted on anything.
Well, older and wiser. I should have looked at it before he installed, and next time I'll be sure to check.
Hi Kurt thanks for the post I just had mine replaced and I could hear the wind coming in I also noticed the black bar coming down to rear view. Now I’m thinking that’s why the wind comes in wrong windshield