Hello every body I bought a new car , and want to take your opinions in it with some few questions ? My new car is toyota prius 2008 European with 84000 km . what is ev mode ? And when I shall use it ? Sometime when I press the button ev mode I get a message tell me that this mode is invalid at this time !!! How I can measure the consumption of fuel ?! And what about the display screen of consumption s ratio ?!! when am not wearing the seat belt the sound alarms activate but today there are no such alarm when am not wearing the seat belt !!! and also my car seats are heated but today the button for the next driver seat is not working ?!!!!!! sorry for all that questions .
EV mode is only for very slow speed driving, like in a crowded parking lot 12-14kmph or slower. If you are driving faster than that you will get the invalid message. That's all I can help with, enjoy your new car.
This forum is organized into sections where each generation/model of Prius is discussed under the theory that people with cars that are most alike will have experiences that are most helpful. You might try paging down in the list of sub-sections and see where your car fits. Welcome to Prius ownership.
The best use of EV mode is when you need to move your car in a parking lot or driveway just far enough for someone else to get out.
If you don't trust the mpg (or km per liter) display then you calculate " the old fashion way". You start with a full tank, record the miles/km at that point, drive for a good part of that tank, fill up again, record the miles again AND the gallons/liters required to fill. Then take the miles divided by the gallons used and you have miles/gallon or km/liter. Continue recording distance and volume every fillup and you can run the numbers over a longer time for more accuracy. Use the Trip meter for easier distance readouts and reset it every fillup. The key is fill it up everytime. You will probably find the displayed consumption to be a little high, like 1 or 2 units.
Thanks all for replies appreciated i hop that my prius 2008 will be a good choice for me i like fuelly site its a nice idea
welcome to priuschat! congrats on your purchase, we have an 08 and love it, i think you will too. all the best!
Where is the ev mode button? Or doesnt my 2006 have it? When we took the grandkids out trick or treating last night we did alot of very slow stop and go and noticed the battery was almost empty on the screen, like one purple bar! Hmm.
Gen II in the US did not have EV mode from the factory. There were/are kits available to add it though as the programming to activate it is in the vehicle already. When I had mine, I got a kit that allowed for EV use using the cruise control stalk.
As Jimbo mentioned, best use of EV is to avoid starting engine for a brief period just to move the car a short distance. Some Prii have experienced rough engine behavior if the car is allowed to cool after the engine being on just a very short period, such as moving in driveway. Most of the experts here say you almost never get better MPG using the EV button because the car will use EV battery more optimally than you can.
The gen2 fuel gauge is pretty accurate. As an European model lit may show l/100km. EV is driveway only or move forward at the gas station in line to the pump. Also fun to scare folks on a parking lot as you won't hear the car as you follow them with walking speed. Marko iPad using Tapatalk