Hi everyone! I've finally found my Prius! I'm so excited that I am now an owner on this forum! Just wanted to post my story and say hi! Yesterday, I put myself on the list for a new 2008. On a whim, I checked autotrader this morning. Low and behold, a black 2005 in need of a new home sat only 5 miles from my house! I happened to be getting a hair cut across the street from the local mom and pop dealer, so I left a bit early hoping for the best, and figured I can call my wife later! Turns out it had the features I wanted (mostly airbags and smartkey), and was still available. I asked the lady how many people were lining up to buy it, and she said none! Two others said they would take it, but neither could get financing (not a problem for me). Yes, it's one of those places, definitely not where I expected to find a Prius. Apparently, some guy from California drove it in, stopped to look at another car, and somehow ended up swapping this mom and pop for what he wanted. I checked the Carfax and everything is clean...seems to check out. I got the financing lined up and took it home today! Needless to say, I removed myself from the list. Wahoo! :roll:
Thanks, I have so far! I took my first trip to my work last night (I'm a teacher, so we are off now), and averaged 52.6 mpg over the 50 mile round trip! I guess I set the bar pretty high for myself! I even sold my old Malibu to a former student already. Now...time to shop for upgrades to my new family member...
congrats! it is a fun car. just be safe driving it and after a while start playing with the toys inside. can never be too careful at first.
That's kind of how I fell into my 06 used; I have a theory that if you start looking in the places where you are least expect to find a Prius, you better your chances of finding a good one. Lets start with Hummer, Porsch, Maserati, wait...almost forgot Land Rover dealers, essentially places where gas mileage is not a factor. It may almost be a point of pride to trade in a Prius at one of these. And they sure don't want to hang on to it. I think I'm on to something... It's reverse-cathartic; "finally traded in that piece-of-sh*& hybrid my wife made me buy for the machine I 'really' wanted"...lol