hi all!! i am a new happy owner, i switched my old Hyundai Sonata 2000 for a brand new Prius 2008, i am now saving 120% of $$$ when i go filling to the gas station!! very happy about that!! my question is: i have an ipod that can play videos files and i want to know what is the best mod for me to use to look at my video files??!! i head about Dice and Vais, don't know witch one to buy... i red other posts but they don't answer my question sorry for bad english, iti is not my primary language, i am from Québec, Canada. thanks in adance.
Pas de problem, mon ami. I can't see video through my DICE iPod integrator. Not sure about the other one. Bien venu!
You want to play video for your passengers, or for yourself? For passengers, wouldn't you want headrest-mounted LCD screens? I have seen a video-enabled MFD screen but I don't remember what product the owner used.. might have been the Coastal "Ultimate Lockpick," which I believe gives you RCA video input.
:welcome:! Bienvenue! Félicitations à votre nouvelle voiture! VAIS vous permet l'option de la vidéo si vous achétez l'equipement de VAIS avec la vidéo. Si vous choisissez le DICE, vous aurez besoin une «video connector» qui vous permet voir les films sur l'écran de Prius. VAIS gives you the video option included (if you choose that VAIS unit with video). With DICE, you need a separate video connector that will allow you to plug connect the iPod to the video connector and the video connector to the MFD (multi-function display)
Yes, the Ultimate Lockpick 3 or 3+ are very good! They provide the video to your MFD screen feature as well as allowing bluetooth and gps input while in-motion. Careful how much info you divulge about how you plan to use the video in your car. Some posters are locked and loaded with lectures ready to pounce. .
c'est ok. I've never used it since I don't have a navigation system or bluetooth in mine (it's a 2005 model and only the nav model at that time got the bluetooth option).