Hi everyone, This is a fantastic site for new Prius owners. I just bought a new 2011 Prius II with tinted windows and the Rosen navigation/entertainment system. I was driving my Ford F150 to/from work, which is 43 miles one way. Ouch. At $3.69/gallon here in central Texas, that was killing the family budget. Now my wife drives the truck (we have a boat and I won't be w/o a truck) and I am LOVING the Prius. You definitely change your driving habits chasing that MPG 'high score'. I have only been through 3 tanks of gas but I am getting between 47-50 MPG depending on the driving conditions. Thanks, Jeff
Congrats on your new Prius and welcome to PriusChat.:welcome: Check out Radioman's video on how to use the HDI for efficient driving: http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-iii...pg-driving-tips-video.html?highlight=radioman Enjoy the high MPGs, technology and low emissions.
Welcome and congratulations. Being on the coast I fully understand the need for a truck when you have a boat to pull. Did you buy the car with the Rosen unit already installed from the dealer? Or did you install the Rosen unit after purchase? Just curious.
You will have fun. I put almost 10,000 miles on mine in less than 3 months and average around 49MPG and ilook forward to driving it everyday. Have fun. Rick