Just thought I'd inrtoduce myself here. My name is Jeff and my Wife and I are proud new owners of a 2011 Barcelona Red Prius III. I am a former Toyota Dealer employee with Hybrid Certification, currently working at a private shop in Santa Clarita, CA. We are only about 1/2 way through our first tank of gas and averaging about 43 MPG (according to the on-board computer). We are excited to double our current milage with this vehicle. Since we carpool to work, this is by far the right choice. We currently own a 2006 RAV4 4cyl FWD and my spare car was a 1999 Ford Windstar with a 3.8L. We were getting about 24MPG with the RAV and 17 with the Ford. Glad to see that minivan go away! I'm looking forward to being an active part of the community here and learning some of the things that Toyota doesn't really teach you. Don't get me wrong, the technical training was great, but they don't teach you much about actually getting good use out of them. See you guys in the forums!
Welcome Jeff and enjoy your new Prius! Hope you'll jump in when you read about technical problems that could use your expertise!
Congrats on your new Prius and welcometo PriusChat.:welcome: Barcelona Red may be the best color in the lineup Enjoy the high MPGs, technology and low emissions.