Yay! I finally bought a prius! Package #2 ~ Touring, Silver Pine Mica with Bisque interior I now have to decide on a color scheme for my Katzkin two-tone leather. My question is can anyone tell me what they have had installed with the same color scheme as above and can send me pictures? Thanks!
Congrats on the Prius! & hope to see you crusing around AZ!! I'm also thinking of getting leather installed in mine. But I do agree with SteamBoat, I myself like the Darker colors. So Maybe a dark grey or black. But if you have the Bisque carpet maybe a Chocolate brown would go better. I really have no idea without seeing the color choices you have. I'd say narrow it down to your top 3 or 4 colors. then do pros/cons!! Happy Priusing (I just made that up)
Monday, March 3rd, is the day my interior gets installed! I decided on the dark graphite for the inserts on the seats. I'll post (if I can figure it out!) pictures when it done. Holly ~ I'm in Mesa, right next door to you! I willl keep my eye out for a Grey Touring! (that was my second choice for color!) Teresa
Hi Haley, We just bought a Touring Prius and are in the process of deciding the Katzkin leather options too. In general, I think a contrast between the outside and inside looks great. Pale outside like yours? Go dark! I can't say I like the idea of brown that someone recommended (IMP)... the bisque looks fantastic with grey tones, especially since your dash has all that charcoal and blackish tones... I think it's best to not introduce yet another color to the scheme. You've got a colored outside, and a bisque/grey/black thing going on inside. GREAT. In our case, we bought a black touring prius exterior. Though we love black (obviously) the thought of a dark interior just felt "off". We chose the bone leather, perferrated, with piping in a light grey (they call it that, but it's really a medium to darkish grey shade). The bone color is monochomatic with the bisque, just a bit lighter, and keys in soooo beautifully with whole grey/black/bisque thing... we love it! One suggestion - make sure to look at pricing/samples of the two ways they can outfit you - leather face for the seat w/vinyl sides and back or all leather. Also, and a really nice touch, consider having the matching leather installed on the arm rests on doors and center console. It really brings the look together. I just can't wait to see that piping! Please do post photos when you get yours done... we're waiting now for ours... and then there still is the question of which all weather mats that actually match nice with the bisque carpet! I love the looks of the rubbertite because there isn't that big rim edge (it keeps liquid in the center via cells) but not sure about if their "tan" is too dark. Don't mean to derail the thread here... just can't think custom leather without wondering what mats so the look isn't spoiled! Hope you LOVE whatever you decide!