Well, after only a day of consideration, I took the plunge and traded in my beloved 2001 VW GTI GLX for a fancy-dancy 2007 Prius with Package #6 in Barcelona Red with grey leather. For those interested, I was able to scarf it up for $25,770. After driving the new sled today (only about 70 miles), I am kind of in shock that I never really thought of buying a Prius before this week. I have been sitting and waiting for CA to allow diesel passenger cars again ... waiting for about 2 years now. I am really happy with my choice ... it's a great little car; I'll miss the power of the VR6 ... but I only used it rarely at most. There are too many "pros" to even think of the very few "cons" to giving up the VW -- heated seats is on the top of that list ... can't believe Toyota didn't put those in there. I'm looking forward to learning more about the Prius from all of you experts out there ...
Congratulations, snowdog650! Welcome to PriusChat. A Search (word button at the top of every page) for heated seats may turn something up. I believe I recall someone had heat retrofitted. Enjoy your hot and efficient new ride!
Bill's correct, there are several threads on here about the modification of heated seats, one I recall even had pictures, or maybe that was on daryll's site.. Anyway, Welcome my friend!! Enjoy you new spaceship!!