Good Morning guys & gals, and happy holidays. TopSage recently sent some parts to Alex @ Fuzionteknique for a possible cargo area lamp kit (priced more affordably for everyone) vs the Japanese panels and it would have rotating sockets to go with it. Here's a sample of it? Any suggestions on what they should improve (They said they'll make it all the same color for the final product). I asked if the overlay can be thinner if possible as well. (My trunk was pretty much dark when I took the picture)-so it lights it up pretty well.
LED's (4 ccds) in one bowl. and they turn off and on per the trunk door's motion(plugs into the existing trunk light wiring)..
How much would they be though? Someone has done the mod with some of these: And they look good. SCH-I535
I've told them they need to be cheaper than the $200 kit (Trying to get it under 100) from Top Sage with the wiring for everyone to use on their vehicles. And yes I agree 32k colors they do need to be flush (just have the sockets move on the panel.... They're saying the tooling costs maybe greater for them....More demand I can show I guess they can justify it.