I really liked this car on the test drive. I had wanted one since yrs back, I was parked next to one as the Prius backed out. I was amazed as it was in "stealth Mode" I asked the guy, "IS it running?" He just smiled and said "Ayup" (I live in New England) Fell in love with it on the ride home from where I bought it. I have never used those words when describing a car or truck I have owned. Every thing I "knew" about them was wrong. Couldn't climb hills, no pep, short life span, expensive to repair/high maint, etc. It handles great! It is deceptively roomy and the rear window is awesome. (I really can't believe folks complain about 'em) I paid $3,000 for it/her and she has 237557 miles. The thing runs awesome! For such a long wheelbase, turns amazingly well in tight spaces. I have a small but failing courier business. Fuel is my only real expense. I would love this car if it got half the MPG. But what a plus! Sincerely, Dan *don't own no Toyota stock* Keav
Thanks, Bisco! Well, 10 days and over a thousand miles later. Man I really do love this thing. I mean it. On the way back from an oil change, she was getting 65 MPG. LoL, I thought it would stay like that. On the way back to the shop that did it to bring 'em a 6PK, the maint. required light came on. scared the stuffing out of me. Get there, the guy hits the reset. And I had read the manual. Just didn't get or think of it. I am a firm believer in buying brand new cars is a waist of money. But when this one goes, I am going shopping. Thanks again, Bisco. Har! (lol) Just found another advantage and cool aspect to my Baby. A laptop fits perfectly on the dash! My car is my office, so this is a major plus. I have a windowed office that corners. Speaking of cornering, my best buddy, life partner & wife was with me when going to fast around a 360 ramp off one HWY to another. (Honest mistake. didn't know it was that sharp) But she, the car, handled it great. I asked her, "see & feel that!?" She replied; "Like it was on a rail" And she was not thrilled with my choice of a new to me car. & Yay.......
LoL, Bisco. This is funny. But I didn't know there was a mirror in the dash to help light the instrument panel. (where the speed & odometer are) Had a bic lighter on the dash and made a hard turn. The lighter goes off to the side. Can't find the dang thing then notice it is against the plastic. Reach for it and it is behind the plastic. Not where you could grab it but between both panes. I can't figure out how it got inside? It was in a indentation housing the mirror is in. They thought of everything with these cars. A reflective mirror to catch and use sunlight to illuminate the indicators. Just brilliant.
Welcome to PC. The instruments "speedo, fuel gauge" are not what they seem. They shine upwards from a florescent display in the dash in reverse perspective into a mirror. It is the mirror you see that shows the readings. Try sliding a card flat on the dash towards display. John
Danny ex courier here, my '07 was one of 6 priii that were used by drivers in the 'fleet'. One driver has an o8 with 500,000 miles and going strong. I'm driving a desk these days, loving my 45 to 48 mph avg commute car. Stay safe out there!
Howdy, Other Brother Danny! I love the courier gig. Wish there was more of a future in it and that I found this car when it was good. I'm now making more $ delivering pizza. Not kidding. I'm retired from the Merchant Marine so money is not a pressing issue. But not working causes to many barstool races for me. Just boring, expensive & ya feel like dirt. Dang, I can ramble, lol. I backed into a pole last night! I about cried. sniff sniff. (But in a manly way) No real damage. And I knew the pole was there. Ya can't get better rear visability than this car. I do not know.
LOL, Andy. It hurts, donit? My best Buddy, exwife offered to get me a backup cam. She was in the passenger seat. I said "look over your shoulder" She looks, then turns to me and says; "how the **** did you not see a telephone pole!?" Cracked me up.
Har, LoL, JohnnyB (good). She smartened up. Kidding. I forgot the "ex" part in the earlier post. (She smartened up long ago). Still my partner and best friend.
Seriously, LH, I doubt I will ever buy another kind car. Even if it got the longevity and milage of an average car, it is just a great, comfortable and fun to drive. D'az the last picture make me look thin? I haven't searched yet but has anyone noticed a diminished fuel economy when it is or about to rain? I go down around 12 to 15 %. My math is questionable and I just graduated from an aerospace precision manufacturing program. So ya might wanna wait on flying any time soon, snork.
rain is wicked. it creates more air friction, and more tyre friction. my ev and mpg go way way down. zork!
LOL @ "zork", Bisco. I'm sitting in my office, (AKA, my car) and just noticed my mileage is 240318. Man, I love this car! (I said "man" so that's not weird. I think) But seriously, 200K miles and everything works, zero play in the steering wheel, Better than any car I have ever driven and I used to deliver new cars. Great off the line "quick" No muscle car, for sure, but gets up and goes better than my last 2 cars. Just so dang quite, ya have to feel it or check the speedo. Just as a car, it is great fun on a hilly, winding road. So much so, I take the long way to and from work. I get 60 MPG on the way home. I sort of compete with myself & cruise control. So am taking it real easy and watching the graphics. CC still wins. 47 MPG on the way in to work and 40 while working. My Brother *used 2B* in law keeps telling me I should sell Prius. That and to shut up about them. He had buy a minivan. Nanananananana The office thing.... There are a bunch desk like things you can buy that hang from the wheel that work as "desks" Sort of like a tray table on a plane. It would be cheaper to cut one out of some scrap wood and cut it with a jig saw, me thinks. Any particularly good high mileage, maintenance threads? With so much good information, kinda hard to go through it all
Hi Danny, I just bought a 2004 and came across your thread that you are also a relatively new owner. I registered the car on the Toyota website and it lists several recall notices, but I have no way of knowing whether or not they were taken care of. Did you come across this? How does a recall work, do you just take it to the dealership? I searched "recall" on this site but most of what I see are original owners who received recall letters from the dealerships. Let me know what you think
Every time I buy a used car I call my local dealer and ask if the recalls were performed. They should be able to look it up by VIN.